Family is all you need

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"OH SHIT, IMANI...SAM...SOMEONE?!?!" Sam and Imani run to the voice yelling for them and see Dean laying on their floor with a large black cane corso standing overtop of him happy to greet him. "Patrick get off of him" Imani said trying to hold back a laugh. Sam helps dean get to his feet. "Whatcha doin here so early? Dinner doesn't start for another 2-3 hours." Imani asks dean. "Oh, we'll you see... um... I won't be able to make it to dinner... I have uh work to do" dean is awful at lying to family and he knows it. "Mhm what type of work?" Imani questions. "Oh just the usual um volunteer work" "volunteer work?" Sam asks. "Yeah you know  uh fixin cars for homeless people..." he knew he was screwed when he said that. "Well dean you know we made a deal when Sam and I got married that you, Cas, char, me, and Sam all would sit down once a week and eat a family dinner. You know just to act like we're normal. You also know what'll happen if you break the deal, since you know Charlotte put a spell bond on all of us. Plus they should be here in about an hour to help make dinner." "You better make a lot of food. Ever since cas turned human, no matter the amount he's always hungry." Dean said with a chuckle.  "well let me get out of your hair I just wanted to tell you I wouldn't make it and I will catch back up with you later." But when Dean turns around to grab the door handle he gets scared by cas and Charlotte standing in his way. "I think you could miss one hunt to spend quality time with your family. When and only when you get married like the rest of us, I will either add said person into the contract or let you off. But until this mystery man,woman, or being appears you are keeping your ass at family dinner." Dean let's put a defeated sigh and sits down at the table. "Oh shit I almost forgot." Imani says under their breath. They run into their bedroom and grab a picture of their father to bring to the table. Imani pulls up an extra chair at the end of the table and sets the picture down in-front of it. "It's been 3 years today since he got killed by a damn shapeshifter." Imani says holding back tears. "That's why I didn't want you to go Dean. I know how much Bobby meant to you, and I didn't want you to miss the anniversary." Just then there was a crashing sound that came from the guest bedroom. "Patrick come... PATRICK COME!" Imani yelled after her dog but he never came. Imani grabs their silver dagger with salt imbedded into it and walks into the room where their dog is and sees their dog is somehow locked into his kennel and the window was broken from the outside in. Imani rushes back to the others and whisper/yells "someone is in my house besides us." Cas, Dean, and Sam grab their guns while Imani and Charlotte hold out their daggers. After a few moments two tall women walks into where everyone was and looks directly at Sam. "You replaced us with that whore?" Yells the tall woman with long blond hair. "Was our sex not good enough Sammy? I mean you seemed to really enjoy drinking me dry." Said the other one with short brown hair. "Ah so you must be Meg and Ruby" Imani said in a really bitchy tone. "If you don't mind we were about to have a family dinner so shoo shoo. Oh wait that's right you guys must really suck at checking where you are standing. If you look under you you will see a demon trap and oh look you're stuck directly in the middle." "So let the exorcism begin." Charlotte adds. *Dean speaking Latin* "well I guess you'll never know what your dear old pops said." Meg (the blond) said. *dean stopped for a moment* Imani looks at Meg and holds up their dagger. With tears in their eyes they say, I swear to fucking god if you're ly-" they get cut off by Meg saying "I mean I am a demon so I guess we'll never know." Dean continues speaking Latin. "Well I guess it's not that important I'll just send you back to hell" Imani says in a harsh tone. Dean finishes up with the exorcism while Imani heads back into the guest room to clean up the broken window and let out Patrick. Once Patrick is out he runs past everyone but stops in front of Charlotte looking at the demons trap growling. "Damn it's sad when my dog cares more about you then his own father." Sam says walking over to Patrick to calm him down. Char looks down at Patrick and says. "Thanks Patrick... I mean it's cute that you tried to protect me and all, but... your like a foot shorter than me and you're a little late, ya know?" "You've really lost it Charlotte, your even talking to my dog like it's a human" "SHUT UP IMANI!"Charlotte yells. To which Imani reply's  "You love me"
THE END!!!!!

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