Damn Clowns

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Suicide//Bulling//Abuse//Strong Language

Story begins here:

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU." Sam yells "What is keeping him here? We salt and burned the body. Do we need to burn everything he owns?" Dean asks "hE juSt NeEds A dRinK! ALcOhoL fiXeS EveRYThiNg! LiQuiD coURaGe" Imani says obviously still loopy. "Someone needs to get them home" Charlotte yells looking between Sam and Cas. "Fine" Cas says scooping Imani up, the sound of wings flapping can be heard and they're gone. 

A Dark and gloomy night, three weeks prior

"COME ONE COME ALL TO THE INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS SIMONS TRAVELING CIRCUS" yells a clown standing in front of a water fountain in the middle of the square in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. "SIMONS TRAVELING CIRCUS MAY NOT BE BACK FOR A DECADE OR MORE SO NOWS YOUR CHANCE TO SEE WHAT MYSTERIES LIE BENETH OUR DOORS" The clown continues. "Shut the fuck up, clowns are so out dated. No one cares about a stupid circus, you guys are all just creeps who throw on face paint and think you are so funny. Wanna know something? Spoiler alert you're not, your jokes are lame and no one wants this shit here." Says a strange tall, blond haired man standing among the crowd. This was the twelfth time today that he has been humiliated by someone from the town criticizing the circus. It was the fifty seventh time this week and it is only Wednesday. The clown lowers his head and gets drawn into a deep thought. He is broken out of his thoughts with a strong pressure in his stomach. It almost feels like someone punched him directly in the gut. He looks at his stomach and sees a red splatter. Its red like blood but the texture is different, its more watery and has a hint of green. "A tomato? Where did this come from?" The clown thinks to himself. He looks up and sees the crowd has parted a ways and in the middle is the man from before. He is standing there holding a grocery bag with tomatoes. He already has another in his hand and has began rearing his arm back prepared to throw. The clown stands there excepting more humiliation. It's not the first time the clown has endured this abuse and humiliation. He is a clown of course. But it's the first time it wasn't scripted. "Maybe this will bring more people to the show." He says to himself. As he looks around the crowd he notices that the people are not chuckling, or even smiling. They look disgusted and their eyes are filled with empathy. They don't believe the clown should be going through this. They begin to whisper things like, "this is sad" or "Is this apart of the act?" and even "the clown can't turn a real situation into a joke, how is he supposed to improv an entire show?" The clown breaks character and storms off to his trailer that was two blocks over. When he arrives he is met with a sharp pain across his face. He turns his head and is met with another slap from the Ringmaster. "What kind of performance was that? Huh? You really call that pathetic stunt, entertainment? You'll be lucky if your sad face shows under my lights again. If we don't make at least a thousand ticket sales this weekend then I'm going to have to make cuts. I think we both know who I'm going to start with if that happens, yes? The clown looks at him and shakes his head up and down signaling that he understands. The clown walks shamefully to his trailer with his head down staring at his feet. He arrives at his trailer, walks inside and shuts the door behind him.


"Jim? Hey, man it's Nathan, I know Simon was a little rough last night, but you can't stay couped up in your trailer all night." silence "Okay, ignore me then. I'll leave some breakfast on your steps if you want it."


"Jim we're all worried about you man. You didn't come to rehearsals yesterday or today." silence "Dude, seriously, Say something are you okay" Nathan reaches for the doorhandle hesitantly but when he tries to open it he quickly realizes it's locked. "Bro, open the door." silence "Dude?" silence... Nathan runs to the ringleader. "Simon! Do you have a key to Jim's trailer?" Nathan asks out of breath. "Why would I? Is he still mopping around in there? Maybe I didn't smack him around enough. I should give him another lesson. Skipping rehearsals because a lonely townsman fucked with him a little. "Simon, I'm serious!" Nathan exclaims. "Fine, gees, I think Emily may have one. They have a little fling that they think no one knows about." Simon says. Nathan runs to Emily's fortune telling tent. When he gets there Emily is sitting on the ground painting a sign for her palm readings. "Hey Nathan! Look at my new sign." She says raising the sign up for Nathan to see. "I had to make a new one since the last town we went to someone stole my other one." Emily says proudly "Yeah that's great, uh do you by any chance have a key to Jim's trailer?" Emily's face drops from pride to a look of horror. "Uh, wh-why would I?" She asks with a shaky voice. "Everyone knows about you two, but I'm not here about that right now. I'm worried about him he hasn't left that damn trailer since the other night and I'm imagining the worse. He won't respond when I call out for him. The food I sat out for him is still sitting on his steps and you know he doesn't do well with stress." Emily's eyes grow wide again. "Yeah, let me grab the key, hold on a sec." Nathan nods. Emily walks out of her tent holding a key. "Here" she says holding out the key. Nathan reaches for it when she jerks it back. "I'm going with you. You can unlock the door and go inside but I want to be there incase things go south and he tries to kill you or something." Nathan looks at her with objecting eyes, but he does think that she may have a point. He agrees and they head to the trailer.

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