Chapter 3

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Chase and Skye's Chest glew. They were in vines, dangling on barely on a tree. The light slowly dimmed down. 

Skye opened up her eyes, she darted her eyes around. She was alive. She started to panic but quickly calmed herself down. "CHASE!" Skye yelled. Chase quickly awoken, he looked at Skye, dangling as well. Chase pulls up and unties himself. He falls down to the ground, almost hurting himself badly.

"You alright?" Skye said, looking down at him. He nods his head and gestures her to come down. "You better not miss me," Skye said, pulling upwards and uniting herself. She fell down into his arms of him. He puts her down and looks around. 

Animal noises, everywhere. Skye came closer to Chase. They both started to look around for anybody else. "Hello!?" They called out, no repelie of any of the attempts.  

"I think we're alone." Skye said, looking around. Chase nods, they both sit down and take deep breaths. They remembered how they got here. Skye puts her head down, looking down at her paws. 

Chase holds her chin up, he looks at her and smiles. "We'll get out of this." He said, comforting her. He looks down at his paw and quickly moves it away, he blushes for a second but quickly fades. 

Noises of animals comes closer to them. They both whip their head around, trying to spot the noise. "W-Who's there?!" Chase said, stuttering, he pushes Skye behind him, trying to protect her. 

Two wolves jump out from the bushes. Chase lets out a warning Growl, backing away with Skye. "Woah, Woah! We do not want to hurt you." The female wolf said, sitting down. Chase doesn't stops growling as he doesn't takes his eyes off the Wolfs. 

Skye rubs her head. She could understand the wolfs. "Why is this fool not listing to me." The Female wolf said, pointing to the male wolf next to her. "I don't know." He said, shrugging his shoulders. 

Skye peeks her head out from behind. "T-The Royal Highness!" The Female said, bowing. The male keeps standing, the female wolf pushes him down.

Chase stops growling and just looks plain confused. "What in the world are they doing." Chase asks, not taking his eyes off the two wolfs. "He has the Highness! He might want to injure her!" The male wolf said, getting up and growling. 

Skye looks up at Chase, wondering why he wasn't understanding that they mean no harm. "Chase!" Skye said, shaking him. He quickly glances at her. "Yeah? I'm kinda.." Chase said pointing at the two wolfs. 

"They said they mean no harm!" Skye said, pointing at the two wolf's. "See, the highness gets us." The male wolf said, stopping growling and nudging the female gently. 

"They said nothing, all they did was open up their mouths." Chase said, not fully understanding what she meant. Her chest glowed pink gently, she puts her paw onto his shoulder. "No, they said they mean no harm!" Skye said, pointing to the two wolves. 

Chase's starts to pick up them talking with each other. How did I not hear this before. He quickly shakes out his thoughts. "What do you want." Chase said to the wolfs. He keeps Skye behind him, still thinking of what bad intensions the wolfs might have.

"See, now the fool finally understands us!" The female said, looking at the male. "Hey!" Chase growled. "What are you doing to our highness?!" The male wolf said, looking at Chase. 

"Highness?" Chase said, looking back down at Skye. She shrugs her shoulders. The female wolf face pawed herself. "See, he IS a Fool." The female said, pointing at Chase. "HEY!" Chase growled at her. 

"Ok, enough. What is going on here." Skye said, walking from behind him, "Y-You're highness." The male wolf said bowing. "I shall explain what is happening." The male said, standing up. 

"You are the queen of all the animal kingdom." Chase looks down at Skye, blinking his eyes repeatedly. "You have the pink Crystal." The Female wolf said, pointing to her. Her chest glowed pink and freaked out Skye.

"Get it Off. Get it off, get it off. Get it off!" Skye said, trying to brush off the pink glowing lights. "Y-You can't" The male wolf said looking at her. 

Skye felt dizzy, she felt light headed. "I-I need to..Close my eyes for a secon-" Skye fell back, being caught by Chase. He kept his eyes on the wolfeves. Very Confused. 

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