Chapter 6

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With the pups and Ryder.

It had been 2 days since the storm hit, and two pups disappearing. They were helping the citizens clean the streets and help repair building, due to the horrible damage that had been caused. They were also looking for their two missing pups as well.

Ryder had been sad, as well as the pups, for their disappearance. They were driving around checking up if anybody needed any help. It was silent, a very silent drive. 

Marshall looked at the apomostire are the driving, he was sad as well, but he didn't like seeing them like this. Nobody did.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure they would be alright." Marshall encouraged. "They are strong pups, they'll make it." Marshall said, silence in response.

Marshall sighed and looked around the bay. All the sights were passing by him as he drove. "Yeah. They'll be alright." He heard Rocky repond, Marshall smiled and looked down briefly at his pup tag. "I bet they will be." Zuma said, joining in.

"Yeah, their tough, they'll survive whatever thrown at them!" Rubble said, all their spirits were uplifted. "They wouldn't want us to worry. They would want us to be strong." Marshall said, puffing up his chest, making all the pups laugh. 

Something flickered in his mind.

"How are we going to tell the rest of the Paw Patrol?" Marshall said, looking down at his pup tag.

Silence lurks back into the conversation, for a good 10 seconds.

"We can maybe call them, and check if they are alright first. Then, we would need to drop the news." Ryder responded, he had a small smile. Marshall nodded his head. 

They saw citizens waving and gesturing for them to come towards them in a distance. The pups all look at each other and nod. "Lets go!" They all say in sync.

Meanwhile, with Silverclaw.

He was sitting on a throne, his head on his hand, his other hand holding a staff. He was watching them fly thru time and space, they were around earth, almost circling it. He watched the planet rotate around the sun, he wanted to destroy the planet, and make it his own. 

He kept smiling at it, he briefly looks around the room, all different types of buttons and machines, glowing different colors. But he was also seeking something else, something that holds great power. 

"Did you find the blue and Pink Crystals yet?!" He shouted at the people working, one of them rushes over to him. 

"N-No not yet SilverClaw." They said, in a shaky voice. "Then go find it then!" He said, standing up and shouting at him. "W-We are trying our best SilverClaw." He apologized again. "Then Try, HARDER!" SilverClaw kicked him down, by the shoulder. 

They then ran back to their stanchin, searching for the crystals. "Is it that Hard just to find Two Stupid Crystals?!" He shouted, looking at all them. One of them tries to speak, but then SilverClaw whipped his head to him.

He the quivered back down to his seat. "Find the Crystals, and find the, NOW." Silverclaw Exited the laboratory, he walked down the halls with two huge bodyguards walking next to him. People let them pass by, scared of what they might do. 

He entered his throne room and closed the door behind him. He sat down in a very decorated Chair and tapped his staff twice on the hard metal ground. "Those stupid Crystals should be mine!" He said, in a rage. 

He got up and walked to his, gigantic window, of the view of Earth, he gagged when seeing the blue and green planet. "Soon, you shall be MINE to reign." He said, extending his arms and laughing like a maniac. 

He folded his arms and sighed. "This will be fun." He said to himself. His watch then beeped. He started to get excited. 

"My Intergalactic Cookies is done!" He said, looking at the kitchen to the oven. 

| VIllains need hobbies too...| 

He rushed over and took them out, they were the shape of a person with their head cut off. "And you Human beans will be to easy to take over." He said, taking one of the cookies and taking a bite out of it. 

"Tastes like victory." He said, smirking. 

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