Chapter 9

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A dark Figure rushed past the cave. 

Skye perked her head up, she looked around, whipping her head left and right. She began to get anxious. She looked around the dark cave, the moon shined down on the 3 sleeping canines. 

Skye looked around the cave, she could barely see anything. She looked at the open cave's wall. She walked to the exit and looked around. 

"Hello?" She called out quietly. No reply. She sighed in relief. "I thought I was going crazy for a second," Skye said as she felt her dry lips. She looked at the calm river water. She smiled, "A drink won't hurt." She said while walking over. 

She looked around, only a deer drinking water as well. The deer looked up at her. The deer bowed before running away, back into the forest. "It's nice knowing animals won't try and kill you." Skye said, bending down and lapping up some water. The nice cool water refreshed. 

She looked back up and sighed. "The night is really beautiful." She said, to herself. She sat down and looked up at the sky, the starry night was beautiful. Her Magnta eyes glistened in the moon's light.  

She smiled as she turned around. She looked up to two huge figures, before she could scream or do anything she was grabbed and tied up. Her mouth was held by a tie. They rushed into the forest with her. 

She looked around, everything was flashing before her eyes. She tried to make a force field, but it was just to tight to expand her paws. She tried to get a good look at the figures but couldn't they were running to fast. 


She slowly got her paw lose and ripped off the tie, holding her mouth. She howled with all her might.

With the others. 

They were sleeping peacefully. 


They jumped awake, They whipped their heads around.

 "The Highness!" 

"Skye!" Chase said, his heart shattered all over again. A Rush of anxiousness and worry filled him. He rushed over to the two, and ran out the cave. They saw many animals as they rushed past them. Chase was running, full speed. Anger filled him. 

"Where!?" Chase said, looking around. "Follow the Animals!" Jessica exclaimed. They rushed past many animals. They were just going straight. 

Then they saw the two figures. 

Chase kept running, running fast. His paws lit fire. He quickly out the two down and went alone. He jumped over logs, and branches. Skye noticed him and her words muffled by the tie holding her mouth closed. 

He looked at the two figures. They looked right back at him. They made a complete stop and looked at him. They dropped Skye and pushed her aside. Now Chase can do some real damage. 

He growled at the two figures, "Look! It's a little...What do you call them?" The first figure said. "A DOG. Or canine to be precise." The second one said. Anger burned in Chase's eyes. His chest glowed, they gasps as they looked at him. They took out their weapons and pointed it at him. 

"Night, Night." The first one said, he shot at him but missed. Chase pounced onto the first one and kicked his weapon away. The second one shot at him but only missed, shooting the other figure, killing him. 

Chase's paws lit fire, he threw two hurling fire balls at the second one. It burned him, killing him in a instant. Chase looked at Skye, she was still tied up. A calm rush filled over him. He rushed over to her and untied her. He hugged her tight and she hugged back. 

"I-I'm sorry, I should of done something." Skye said, hugging him. "No..It's not your fault. All that matters is that you're alright." He said to her. She blushed gently, the animals arrived to the scene, and so did Jessica and Mat.

"Skye! Are you alright?!" Jessica said, rushing over with Mat. "I'm fine. Thanks to him." Skye said, breaking the hug and pointing to Chase. "Remind me never to get you angry." Mat said, looking at the two figures. 

They all bowed at the presence. The animals all dismissed themselves back into the forest. 

"This is two of Silverclaw's men." Jessica said, pointing at them. "That's what we're going to have to go up against?" Skye asked, looking at the two figures. Jessica and Mat nod. 

"And a lot worse." Mat adds. 

"Not helping." Skye said, looking at Mat. 

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