Chapter 19

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Liberty fell asleep on the chair. Snoring under her breath.

Chase kept his eyes open, sitting down in the chair, keeping his eyes on the white doors in anxiousness. His paw tapped the whole time to his unknowing as well as people's.

Chase bit his lip, sighing deeply. He looked down to his chest. Glowing blue as his energy was back up once more. He closed his eyes, holding his paw tighter with a grip.

His heard as doors opened up and rushing was heard. He darted his eyes open, looking to the white doors still closed.

He looked behind him to the boy, rushing over with canines following, including wolves.

"You've seen wolves before!" Mat sneered, looking at a woman as they walked. "Get over it!" He scoffed, looking back ahead.

"How is Skye?" Ryder asked, sitting in a seat beside the Shepherd. He shook his head, looking down to his paws in guilt.

"I haven't heard anything yet." He admitted, looking back up to the boy. Ryder sighed, nodding his head in understanding. He pet the Shepherd behind the ear, sitting back in the seat.

"She'll be alright." 

Chase turned his head, looking to the Dally, sitting down beside the boy with the husky beside him as well. 

"I mean, making it to Adventure City in less than 10 straight minutes. I-I think she'll be just fine." Everest admitted, leaning her head on the Dally's shoulder.

His face began to get hot, glancing to her. He heard a soft snicker from the Shepherd, catch his attention. Only seeing as it wasn't for him. They both looked to the Lab, looking at the dachshund in shock as her head fell onto his lap. Snoring asleep.

He turned his head, looking to the Shepherd. Snickering with the dally and Husky. The lab pushed the Dachshund's head off, huffing as he looked away.

Only for her head to land onto his shoulder. Continuing to keep fast asleep.

"This is so amusing to watch." Everest whispered, looking to them both.

"I will end you all," Zuma muttered, glaring to the three.

"To bad I have a best friend with superpowers." Marshall bragged, putting his arm on the Shepherd's shoulder, smirking at the Lab.

"I-I'm UP." Liberty exclaimed sluggishly shooting up and off his shoulder. Her eyes slowly blinking as she yawned.

"Oh hey guys" She yawned, looking to the lab. Continuing to glare at the three.

"How long was I out?" She asked, looking past to the boy. Sitting back in the chair, his hands behind his head while his eyes were closed.

"4 hours." Ryder replied without a problem.

"Huh," She squeaked, looking at the canines, filling the seats against the wall. "Sure didn't feel like 4 hours." She admitted, closing her eyes once more. 

Chase rolled his eyes, looking back to the dally. 

"Uh, guys."

They looked to the bulldog, looking up to a TV across the room. They all turned their heads to look at the TV, seeing a news report.

Seeing the Shepherd. In the air.


"How," Chase asked under his breath.

"Tech-na-lo-g." Liberty replied looking to the Shepherd.

"How many more powers do you have?" Rocky asked looking to the Shepherd.

"If I showed you, people would call the police." Chase replied dully.

"Can we see it?" Zuma requested.

"Can you control it, or the whole building will go up in flames." Everest asked, pointing around. 

"The first one." Mat stated, looking to the Husky.

Chase looked to the boy. Visually debating in his eyes, looking to them. "Not in public." Ryder concluded, sitting up in the chair.

The pups all whined, looking to the Shepherd. 

"You heard Ryder, Sir." Chase replied, sitting up straight. Babble then started to chatter around from the canines, all talking to one another or to the Shepherd.

He muffled their voices, slowly guiding his eyes past them. Looking to the white double doors. His eyes locked onto the doors, watching as they slowly opened up.

He watched as a Doctor in a white coat walked out. His back pointing out. He nodded his head, backing out away from behind the double doors.

He showed he other side of himself. A golden furred Cockapoo in his arms. His eyes widened, watching her head turn to them.

Seeing the only one to notice was the Shepherd. Her eyes sparkled, a smile painting on her face. She saw as his chest started to glow blue and his eyes electrified. She jumped out of the Doctor's arms, as everything hit in slow motion.

She kept her eyes down to the ground, waiting for the impact. Only to soon see him under her, ready to catch. 

Everything came back into pace, feeling as he caught her. She wrapped her legs around him, giggling while she was twirled in the air with joy.

They all look to the chair he was on. On the ground. 

They whipped their heads to look at the white doors. A doctor walking back thru. They looked down to the ground. The Shepherd hugging her tight as her legs were wrapped around him, giggling with a smile.

"Skye!" They all exclaimed, jumping out from their seats. All then, hugging her.

"I missed you all too!" She smiled, looking to them all. Breaking the hug. She looked to her best friend. Still hugging her. 

"Sorry to break a tender moment," 

They all looked to the bulldog, looking up to the TV. He pointed to it, slowly looking to them all in anxious worry.

They turned their attention to look at the TV playing news. Seeing a helicopter's view above Adventure City's beach. Purple aura blasts shooting around the beach. Some barely missing the helicopter as a female reporter, talking in a mic she held to herself.

"We can take 'em." 

Skye looked to the Shepherd. Smiling down to her. She looked to the canines and boy, smiling. "Let's take out the trash." She said, jumping onto his back.

Chase's chest glew bright blue as the boy ran down the hall. Stopping at the doors. He opened them up, looking to the Shepherd.

His eyes electrified, feeling her grip tighten on him. A sly smile then painted on his face, looking to the open doors.


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