5. Jealous

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"Shit," Meredith cursed under her breath, reading the text message from Derek saying both he and Mark were getting pulled into emergency surgery and he'd try to find someone else.

"You okay?" a male voice asked.

"Fine," Meredith responded curtly.

"You sure, you don't seem fine."

Meredith turned around to face the man and was immediately taken back by his physique. He was tall, dark hair, pale green eyes, and completely toned. Suddenly her facial expressions softened. "I um...my friend was supposed to pick me up but he got pulled into surgery," she sighed.

"I could give you a ride," he shrugged.

"I don't know you."

"You could know me," he smiled. "Dr. Mathew Long...Matt."

"Dr. Meredith Grey," she nodded, extending her hand to him.

"So now that you know who I am, want a ride?"

She paused momentarily. Taking a ride from an almost stranger bode well but if she wanted to get back to the hospital any time soon it seemed like the best option. "Sure. Doesn't look like anyone is picking me up," Meredith shrugged.

"Follow me," Matt smiled, leading her towards his car.

"Where do you work?"

"Seattle Presbyterian, Head of Neurosurgery," he said proudly.

"Do you know Derek Shepherd? He's Head of Neuro at Seattle Grace."

"Does anyone specializing in neurology not know Derek Shepherd?"

"Good point," she giggled, sliding into the car.

"How do you know him?" Matt questioned lightly.

"He's been my best friend since I was 5.... he's the reason you're giving me a ride. Stupid brain man getting called into surgery."

"It happens to all of us," he smiled. "Where do you work?"

"I'm a neurosurgery attending in a private practice in New York."

"Oh," Matt frowned, realizing that it couldn't go anywhere with Meredith. "Just here for the conference?"

She nodded. "And a bonus that I get to see Derek...I mean Dr. Shepherd."

"Of course," he smiled. "So where am I dropping you?"

"Seattle Grace."

"Alright," Matt nodded. "How did you meet Dr. Shepherd?"

"Kindergarten," she giggled. "He was scared and alone... I invited him to walk in with me."

"And now he's a fearless surgeon?"

"He got that from me," she laughed. They continued making their way to Seattle Grace, engaging in small talk.

"I'll walk you in," smiled Matt. "I've wanted to see Seattle Grace for a while now."

"You've never seen it?" he shook his head no. "Then I'll give you the grand tour."

"That'd be great."

They got out of the car, walking through the parking lot and entering the hospital. Meredith showed Matt around the hospital, ending near Derek's office.

"I had a lot of fun with you today," he admitted.

"Me too," Meredith smiled. "Thanks for the ride."

"I guess I'll see you around the conference," he smiled lightly.

She nodded, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Thanks again," she nodded, disappearing into Derek's office.


Derek scrubbed out of his surgery, washing his hands with full concentration. Walking out of the room Derek dragged his ferryboat scrub cap off his head, and ran a hand over his tired face. The surgery hadn't taken as long as he'd expected and he just had to go find Meredith and they could go back to the trailer. Marching around the corner towards his office Derek stopped in his tracks. Meredith was standing, laughing with a guy he recognized vaguely. She kissed the guy's cheek lightly and disappeared into his office. Derek began to walk towards the man, curious as to how Meredith knew him.

"Derek Shepherd," the man smiled. "Matthew Long," he extended his hand, "head of neuro at Seattle Pres."

Taking his hand, Derek studied Dr. Long's face, searching for emotion. "What are you doing here?" he asked as nicely as possible.

"Oh Meredith needed a ride from the conference so I offered."

"Stay away from her," Derek growled.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Stay away from Meredith Grey. She doesn't need complications in her life."

"You can't tell me who to date."

"I'm not telling you who to date. If you were really dating Meredith that kiss she gave you, wouldn't have been on you r cheek. Just stay away from her," gritted Derek through his teeth, pushing past Matt and walking into his office. "Hi Mer," he smiled, his emotion suddenly changing.

"Hey," she grinned back. "How was your surgery?"

"Shorter than I expected. The bleeding wasn't as extensive as I thought and the patient lived."

"That's great Der," Meredith said, throwing her arms around him. He hugged her tightly back. "Let's go home," she yawned into his chest.

"Sounds good," he nodded. "How about we get some pizza and bring it back to the trailer?"

"Derek Shepherd!" Meredith gasped jokingly. "Are you seriously suggesting pizza?"

"Hey!" he countered, stripping his scrubs. "I eat pizza."

"Only when I shove it down your throat...why are you being so nice to me?" she teased, turning to the wall as he began working at the knot on his scrub pants. He might be totally comfortable changing in front of her but she wasn't comfortable with it.

"I can't be nice to my best friend without having my motives questioned?"


"Come on Mer," he laughed, "lets go."

Turning around from the wall, where she'd been pretending to look at his various degrees, although they were identical to hers, and cards from patients. From his office you could tell that Derek was a well-loved man. He had pictures of family, friends and patients in various areas as well as the cards from families and patients thanking him for their second chance at life.

Derek picked up his briefcase and opened the door for Meredith. They walked wordlessly through the hospital towards Derek's car.

"No ulterior motives?" she asked again, light heartedly.

"No," laughed Derek.

"I want pizza," she moaned as her stomach started to growl.

He chuckled. "I can see that."

"Can you shut up now?"


"Shut up stupid brain man."

"Can I remind you that you too are a brain man?"

"So what, first you tease me mercilessly about my need for pizza and now you're calling me a man?" she teased.

"I didn't..."

"Just drive," said Meredith, rolling her eyes.

"Yes dear," he joked.

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