The Mission

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-Ok miss, one more time, please.-said the doctor

-I c-cant an-nymore.-said the lady with a faint cry.

-C-come on, dear. Just one more time. It is almost done, ok?-pleaded the man in his 30s.

-Yes, miss, just one more time-. And with that the lady pushed one more time with all her might. 

-The baby is out! Congratualtions miss! -shouted the doctor-It is a girl!- The lady on the bed covered with sweat smiled weakly while the doctor handed the child to her mother. The mother looked at the child and kissed her forehead.

-What a beautiful girl you are-she cried with happiness. Then the father bent down to see her child's face and instanly his eyes were filled with tears.

-W-what should we name her dear?- 

The baby slightly opened her eyes and revealed her dark, dark blue eyes that were as dark as the clear sky at night. meand the eveing star-her mother wispered.

-What a beautiful name miss!-

-Thank you doctor-.said the lady and smiled.

And with that the mother looked at her child and smiled. "Welcome to the world little vespera.

-a few hours earlier-

-Lord, a new baby will be born soon.-said a black haired lady in a long silver dress and silver eyes.

-Oh..ok. The last one this year?-he asked in a deep voice

-Yes, lord.-

-Thank you, Orabelle. You may leave.

-Yes, Lord.- 

-Oh and before you go. Please tell Skender that he will be the guardian and also tell him to come here.

-Yes, mylord.-said Orabelle, bowed and left. "Skender, I feel sorry for you, man" she thought to her self remembering how he mucked up the last time he was told to guard someone.

After that Orebelle went to a small white house and knocked on a dark wooden door. She could never understand the contrast of the two colors that Skender chose. Well, what could you expect? The guy was literally mocked up in every single way. A few moments later a man with a silver hair and light blue eyes answered the door. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black ripped jeans. The man looked like he was in his 20s. His face was somewhat serious and emotionless, almost as if he was extremely tired . 

-Hei Sken!-said Oraabelle with a hype.

-Just get to the point- said the young man (well young for angels the guy was over a millenium years old.

-The lord wa-....

-Wait. I am not drunk enough to hear this.-he went back leaving the door open. Orabelle rolled her eyes and went in the house.

-Are you seriously going to drink now? It's not the right time, morron! 

-Well,  it is for me- he said being totally unbothered by the fact that the lord of all creations called him.

-Skender! The Lord wants to meet you. don't you dare to even drink one drop! Get your ass off from the couch, you lazy idiot and put on some normal clothes. You are a celestial for god's sake.-spitted the young angel- a new baby is born and you are going to be the guardian.

-W-what!!!! no, no, no. no just no!!!!-said skender while his face was filled with regret for being born.-why old man why!!-he pleaded

-stop your self -pity session and get ready. Orabelle rolled her eyes, and went away.

Skender couldn't stop thinking about what Orabelle said a few moments ago.he suddenly remembered how he messed up the last time he was asked to guard someone. his body was taken by anger and he quickly stormed out of his house and into the celestial city. the sun was as bright at it always was. worm breeze flew though the trees and messed up its silver leaves. grass was peeking though the pebbled streets. angels were running around being late to work. you could hear little angels going to school some with their wooden spears some with their arrows and some with their swords. white horses were carrying rose gold carriages around as the driver was shouting at them. while Skender was running as fast as he could but just how far could his feet take him. he stopped for a moment closed his eyes and suddenly silver wings appeared on his back with golden linings on each feather making it sparkle under the sun light.  he slowly started to move his wing  they were moving like waves in the sea. the movement slowly started to get faster and faster. after a few second it was so fast you couldn't see it. he slightly bent down made a small jump and just like that he was flying in the mid air. 

on his way he met up with Eira. . her eyes were as white as clear snow so was her hair that was split in the middle and was tied up in a low bun. blue jewels were covering the top of her cheeks and up to her temples . shen was carrying her spear on the back and her silver blue wings were cutting the air faster than a bumerang. you could label her as a very though woman. a true warrior that would never beck down. but of course she wasn't always like that. she could pull up a joke once in a while.

-where are you off to Sken?

-to the golden castel. i was assigned to guard a baby that will be born soon.-said Skender with annoyed tone.

-wow! you!? really!? lord is really getting old ha!

-hey! is that suppose to make me feel any better!?- he said with the"you are unbelievable " face.

-sorry men. but really it will be fine. at least now you wont make the same mistakes you did last time.-said Eris winked at her friend and went down.

-oh lord!- "why does everyone only remember that one failure in my life. no one remembers the time I guarded the gate from demons or the time i guided a freaking army!"he thought to himself. after sometime a very big castle with golden walls appeared in sight and Skender got ready to land. he slowly started descending by slightly bending down and  pulling his wings closer to each other. few seconds later he landed in a huge garden with bushes lining the main road to the castle entry. the air was filled with the smell of roses and grass. the whole garden was surrounded by rose bushes with roses of every kind some were even black and gold. . the gate of the castle was covered in vains and huge grapes were hanging from it. the vains had a silver lining on them. the place was breath taking. every little detail made this place like no other in whole heaven.but now Skeder didn't really care about his surroundings. he needed to sort out this mess he was in.his hart was beating so fast that the whole city could hear it. he started to run as fast as he could. almost as if someone was chasing him. he quickly slammed opened the gates ran in the castle. ran though the lobby and though the wooden corridors. when he reached the lords office he slammed the door open and shouted.

-what is the meaning of this, old man!?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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