the need to meet again

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Skender was sitting on a small bench in front of an old brick house with a small garden on the Old Jewry street in new jersey pretending to be reading a newspaper but the only thing that was on his mind on this particular moment was a little girl that would leave the old house in just a few seconds. See, being a guardian means that you have to be many things including a bus driver, a cleaner, an electrician and a weirdo who is holding a newspaper that is from 1980s just to see if your human leaves the house like usual.

After a few minutes Skender heard some cheerful noises coming out for the house in front of him. he couldn't help but smile at this very happy family...but his smile faded as soon as he remembered the thing he was here for. He never failed to remind himself that he could not let this mission get to his heart.

He watched how her mother gave Vespera a kiss on her forehead like usual, how she hugged his husband and how the little girl happily skipped to the car. You could feel the warmth of this family miles away but...something inside bothered Skender something bad was going to happen, but with all his might he shook those feelings away, assuring himself that tomorrow he would still see the same scene. Then he saw something that he didn't see very often. The mother had watery eyes and the father was rubbing his temples as they brought out a suitcase. The suitcase was quite small and had stickers all over it and it hit him, this suitcase belonged to Vespera. But why would they need this suitcase? As soon as the question crossed his mind he heard a voice that lingered in his ears. It belonged to the Lord.

-Don't worry Skender. She is going to a girl scouts camp for a month.

-That's why you asked me to come here at this time in the early morning during summer?

-Yes my child, now if you will excuse me I have to go. Happy guarding!- He said with a little drama in his voice and cut the connection off.

Skender's mind started to get filled with questions. For him this type of behaviour from HER parents was unusual. They would never trust their kid to anyone and now they were taking her to girls scouts camp. This is so irresponsible! Was there anything that he could do about it? He then remembered the newspaper that he was holding. He got the front page of it swayed his hand over it and now it said "WHY SHOULD YOU NEVER TAKE YOUR KIDS TO CAMP" then made the newspaper four times bigger. "That should do the trick" he thought. After that he once again swayed his hand, his eyes becoming silver for a second, and with a soft wind the newspaper ended in front of the door of an old house.

The parenst took one look at the huge newspaper. The mother took the newspaper, scrunched it into a ball and threw it in a trash bin. "Perfect, just perfect"- Skender thought to himself. He then remembered there was nothing that could change a fate and with a huge sigh he went to his apartment.

As soon as he opened the door and took of his jacket he went inside and flopped on a big black couch putting the TV on. But he still couldn't shake of the feeling of worry. What if anything happened to her in that camp. ugh... no matter how hard he tried he still could not find the answer to why the little girl's parents behaved like this. He didn't even realize how his eyes started to get heavy and how he slowly drifted to the dream land. but that was a very weird experience- he slept for eight hours like always. He wasn't tired at all. Why did he have the uncontrollable desire to sleep? Why couldn't he fight off the heavy lids and foggy mind? The answer to these questions was god.

-It is for the best, Skender. I know that whatever might happen you can not prevent it from happening so why worry about that?

Skender slept the whole day and woke up the next morning to the sound of his TV. He slowly started to open his eyes. The sound of the reporters started to slowly become clearer and clearer until he heard something that froze him at his spot.

-On the old Jewry street in New Jersey there was a huge fire that started in the number four house. It started from the basement as the experts say. It seemed incidental but some express their doubts that it might be someone's doing. The couple living in the house couldn't be saved. A neighbor said that they took their ten-year-old child to a girl scouts camp. The police is now investigating the case.

-N-no! How could this happen!?- Skender shouted. His whole body was taken by horror. He could not comprehend anything that he heard yet. Was he still dreaming? Was this really happening? He wanted to wake up so much that he slapped himself in face. Then hit the fist to the wall that left a dent in it. His hand hurt but not immediately. It hurt when the horror of his and Vespera's situation slowly started to down on him. After some time the terror started to give way to fury. He was angry at the world, angry at the whole universe, angry at god.

-How could you let this happen you old hag! How? You could have prevented this from happening! And how can you be so calm right now!?

-Skender, calm down! - Said the god in a very calm tone. You could still hear his dissatisfaction from being called a hag.

-Don't tell me to calm down! – Skender roared never thinking twice to whom he was yelling.

-We can not change the destiny. -The god continued.-But remember, you still have to guard that little human.

-Why did you let this happen? Why?-Skender asked with a sorrow in his voice.

-Me? I didn't do anything, Skender. You really think I have time to decide everyone's fate? there are almost 8 billion people in this world alone. If I'm not mistaken- he added with some uncertainty.- That's why I assign angels to humans so they can guard them. You know how it works and yes, your job is getting more and more difficult with every minute, I give you that. I still can't be held accountable for everything that happens to these people. Who do you think I am? – At this point god was almost shouting. It was clear he was having a hard time. It was not the only world he was in charge of. Not that he was doing a good job in any of them, but still- the work that had to be done to keep some kind of order in these worlds was immense.

Skender knew the god was right. Not every bad thing that happened was his fault. He realized that it was his duty to take care of Vespera...but not only his. Yeah, thank you for this consideration, god! I have a team, long forgotten, that has an obligation of taking care of the girl. Skender had not seen or spoken to the rest of the angels since the day he descended to earth. They were minding their businesses giving Skender all the freedom of the main guardian angel. Yes, freedom usually comes with more responsibilities than one can welcome. He knew this and he did not mind,..till this moment.

-Listen. I am coming right this second. Tell the team there is going to be a meeting.- Skender said with passion in his voice. No he could not let the little girl down. God was taken aback by his command but chose not to protest this one time.

Skendrer knew that it would be dangerous to fly to heaven, so he needed to open a portal. He started to slowly move his hands in a circular motion and slowly a white circle appeared. After the circle became big enough, he stepped back a little and jumped straight in. A few seconds later he stepped his foot on a familiar pebbled street.

-Home, sweet home.- He said and opened his wings.

-Next stop the golden castle. 


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