let the game begin

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"You are the only one that can save the universe"-this sentence kept playing in her ears like a broken record. After considering that four grown man would not pull jokes like that on her she seriously started to think it was actually true. But she needed to know more than this before she would buy it. For now she decided to trust them just because Aleks and Vang-or shall I say- Skender and Vangalis were in this too. She kept thinking about her parents and the incident...it all seemed to add up. The girl was taken out of her thought by her best friend slightly shaking her.

-Are you ok, Vesp?

-Yea, I guess I am...just sinking in all of the information.

-Listen girl, take your time... It is already starting to get a little late so I and the others will leave. Do you want me to stay around? –

Vespera did not want to be with anyone. All she needed was some personal space and time to think and try to understand what was really happening to her. She almost begged Vangalis to leave.

-and with that they bid their goodbyes and went. Vespera just went to her room and plopped on her bed. Her cat snuggled on her stomach. She never thought that her life could change with something as simple as opening a box. But here she was lost in her thought and tangled in all the information. People who she thought she knew well turned out to be something that she didn't even believe in existing at some point. She took one deep breath and opened her diary to fill in the empty pages...she had a lot to write.

On the other hand, the five angels were cramped in Skender and Vangalis' apartment thinking about everything. Vangelis was terribly worried about his best friend and so were the others.

-Hey, do you think she believed us?- Asked Hannile with a trace of worry in his tone.

-She will, eventually. We all know her too well. Just give her time to sink in all the information. She is a girl of logic. She needs to find logical answers to everything and she will find a logical answer to this as well.- Said the leader. But it seemed that he was persuading himself that it was all going to be fine more than others.

After some time both the angels and the young girl decided to sleep putting all of the thought to the bed for the night...but there was a certain someone hiding in the depths of night. This was it. He had been waiting for this moment for 17 years! It was his chance to finally take his revenge.

-Milord!- He bowed in front of a big golden throne.

-What is it Sullivan? - A very deep and cunning voice echoed in the throne room.

-She found out the truth, Milord.

-oh...did she now?

-Yes milord, she did.

Now that was something worth paying attention to. He had waited for a long time for this news to arrive.

-This is our chance...if that girl is stupid enough to step into this mess then the road will bring her to us.

-I bet she will, milord.

-Listen Sullivan, make sure to keep your eyes on her. Soon the good in this world won't have any meaning- he laughed.

-Yes milord.

The alarm rang on the usual time. The young girl turned it off with a loud groan. Gosh, this would be the end of her. She yawned sucking in all the dust in the room and went to get a cup of water. There was still a lot going in her mind. While she again was lost in her thoughts Margo jumped on the counter and was about to kick a glass off but something just went through the young girl's body as she instantly caught it. It felt like for a second her body moved without her. This was an unexpected move for someone as clumsy as her. But she just decided to think about this later. She had a bigger crisis to face now. She sat down on the couch. It was 7AM in the morning. She started to connect the dots. After some time, even though she didn't want to, everything made sense. So with nothing left to do she got up, took a long shower, ate breakfast, got ready and went out. When she reached her best friend's house it was already two o'clock. She barely rang the door when Skender opened it.

-Hello al-I mean Skender.

-Hi Vesp. Come in.

When she went inside she saw all four of them on the couch.

-Hello Vespera dear.

-Hello Ailard.

After greeting everyone, Vespera sat down on the couch next to Vangalis.

-So what is it that I am supposed to do?

-Well Vespera I am happy that you digested everything. Now let me explain things in more depth.-said the leader. - You must know about Lucifer.

-Lucifer? Like the devil?

-Yes the devil. But before Lucifer became the devil...he was an angel. In fact, he was one of the main angels. But the thing is that as he gained more power, he became greedier...until he wanted to be as powerful as the God himself. But the God banned him from heaven to hell...and from then on forward he became the fallen angel and then later the main devil...Lucifer. Now the thing is that Lucifer in other words mean "the morning star". And Vespera your name means "the evening star." The power that the two of you have are two sides of the same coin.

-Wait, does that mean that my powers are bad? - She asked with fear in her tone.

-No Vesp, it doesn't work like that. -Vangalis interfered in the conversation. - Every one of us have both beginnings- evil and good. What matters is what we choose to become. Lucifer wants to use his powers for the evil deeds while you are the only one that can save us.

-And why would Lucifer want to destroy the star if his power is connected to it?

-Good question...but the thing is that we don't know. -Answered Hannile.

-Or maybe he doesn't want to destroy the star... but use it to his advantage.

-What do you mean Vesp?-asked Vangalis a bit surprised by a new theory.

-I mean... what if he wants to use the star to his advantage. To maybe I don't know...destroy heaven using it.

-That is really smart Vesp. He might be planning to do just that.

-but if what Vespera said is right, then we need to move faster. We have 14 weeks left till her 18th birthday.

-Wait...wait... what does my birthday have to do with any of this?-she asked with her frowned eyebrows.

-Your powers will fully unlock on your 18th birthday, dear. That's why people mainly train in witchcraft till eighteen and why even normal people think turning eighteen is a big deal...because of legends and stuff like that.

Vespera thought about that and decided to ask.- Does the 16th birthday mean something as well?

-Yes, it means that you are mature enough to be in a relationship...at least in the celestial world. -Answered Gavril.

Vespera just nodded in return as a sign of thanks.

-Vespera you have fourteen weeks to train.

-Train in what? And who will do that, may I ask?

-Well...you will see after we get there.

-Get where?

-Someplace- answered Vangalis.

-I am hoping for more precision than the someplace, Vang. -argued Vespera.

-Just trust us, ok?- Said Vangalis.- I know what I'm doing I am bloody one millennium years old.- He said with wide eyes proving his point

-You are what now!?

-Shoot, you shouldn't have said that!-Vangalis cursed under his breath.

-You are a bloody one millennium years old and you look my age!

-Angels have different life span, ok!

-What about all those years in elementary school!?

-I needed to do my job!

-ughh!!! Whatever!-said Vespera and sat on a couch with a huge pout. Everyone except the young ones were trying their best not to die from laughter. This was going to be a long journey...but at least now no one had to work in the dark...except for someone who was doing just that in this right moment.

Vespera The Evening Star P.t1Where stories live. Discover now