Three Ways To Defeat The Devil

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After the small argument that believe or not lightened up the mood a little bit, they all went to Vespera's house to collect her things. She still didn't trust them that much but if Skender or Vangalis wanted to harm her they wouldn't wait for almost 8 years to do so, so that thought calmed her down. As soon as all of them arrived at the house Vespera and Vangalis rushed to her room to pack...I mean Vespera went there to pack and Vangalis went to sit on her bed and be her physiologist while she was packing.

-So what's on your mind bestie?- he asked.

-I don't know...just hard to get my head round everything still. Living what you thought to be a normal life and then you find out that you are some kind of a witch or whatever it is and have magic powers is kind of a big thing you know?

-Well...I don't really know because where I and the other four were born magical is normal. But that is in heaven and since you grew up on earth it must be a big deal. But hey! Me and Sken are with you too, right! You've got nothing to worry about Vesp because as your best friend I will always have your back. Got it?

-Thanks Vangalis. I am thankful for your support.

-Of course, bestie! Now let me help you pack.-and with that Vespera and Vangalis finished packing her huge suitcase. But then a question came to her mind like a bolt of lightning.

-What about Melisa? What will she think when she sees I'm not home?

-Don't worry about that. Just trust us- said the young angel and winked at her.

-As you say.- she answered a bit bluntly having nothing to say anymore. After an hour or two they were done and when they came down they saw all of the others gather on the couch discussing something important. They were so focused that they didn't see these two coming down. The two best friends smirked at each other and decided to have a little fun. They quietly hid behind the counter.

-Vesp, let me show you some real magic.- he smirked and slightly moved his hand and slowly a cup full of water that was on the counter started to slowly rise in the air and come down on the floor almost touching it. Vespera was looking at the cup wide eyed. This was against all the laws of physics. But she really wanted to see the prank so she kept her scream in. Vangelis slowly started to slide the cup and after a few moments it was behind the mister royalty. Vespera could only imagine his reaction after the water was poured on his head. Vangelis slowly raised the cup in the air again until it was exactly behind his head. The cup wasn't too big and no one noticed it. And then BOOM the water was all over Ailard.

-VANGALIS!!!! You little brat! Come here right now!-he shouted while Vangalis and Vespera started to run towards the garden but didn't make it.

-THIS WAS A NEW SUIT!-he shouted until he swung his hand and both were stuck in some kind of blue smoke like...something?

-HAHA, you two are not running away anywhere! And mister Vangalis, you will be ironing my whole closet for a month! Got that?!

-Aww!!!! C'mon Ailard! It was a harmless joke. You can't do that to me! -whined Vangalis.

-Don't you dare to talk back, you one-millennium-year-old brat. Wait for three more millennia till that!

While Ailard was scolding Vangalis, others were dying on the floor from laughter. Vespera thought maybe this wasn't too bad after all.

After the whole drama Ailard put on, all of them got ready and started to drive off. Vespera was on the back seat with Vangalis.

-Wait, are we getting near the woods? What are we doing there?

-Wait and see Vesp.- even though no one in their right mind would trust them right now what she saw today and the fact that Skender and Vangalis were always there for her really didn't leave any space for suspicion. After they entered the woods, Vespera got this weird feeling in she was sensing something familiar. Gavril noticed her frowned eyebrows.

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