The unraveling

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The school was as boring as usual. Vespera's teachers have developed this new habit of making her and Vang sit at the opposite sides of the classroom so they wouldn't talk during the classes. Honestly both her and Vang were good at studying and always did their homework. The only problem was that they weren't active during class hours but always got A's on exams. No matter how hard she tried she knew that if she raised her hand to answer the question all the attention would be on her and she would faint. Just the thought of all eyes being on her gave her shivers.

After what it seemed to be million years the lunch break came. Everyone was happy. Vespera desperately needed to go to the bathroom so she quickly got up and started to walk toward the stickiest place in the whole school. She was secretly praying that Marry and her squad wouldn't do anything this time. After she came out of the toilet someone entered the bathroom. It was the one and only Marry Jonson.

-Well, well , well. Look who we have here.-she said with a mischievous smile. –Isn't this the schools biggest freak?-she said with a mocking smile.

To say that Vespera was scared was an understatement. She was terrified.

-What do you want Marry?-she said trying to sound tough but she couldn't help but stutter.

-You know what I want.- Marry said looking smug.

-I don't have money, so let me get out.-said Vespera trying to get out of the situation.

-Well, see darling, that's your problem. I need money and you have been delaying it for a week already. We all know you are not poor so give me my damn money!-she shouted just enough for Vespera to notice.

-Since when did the money become yours?-Vespera managed to stand up for herself.

-Oh, look who's talking - said a blond girl next to Mary. Her name was Diana. –Don't you think you are getting a little too brave, freak?- she snarled at her.

-Listen, just let me go.-the girl said with a shaky voice. She was really scared.

-No! I won't let you go you rat! GIVE. ME. THE. BOOLDY.MONEY.-Mary said sternly putting unnecessary stress on every word.

-I don't have a single penny- cried Vespera. –I will give you money tomorrow. Just let me go this once.

-You are not going anywhere missy.-said Marry and Vespera felt a sudden slap on her face.

-agh!!-Vespera cried out holding her cheek. She knew this would happen but she could never mentally and physically prepare for this. Every time she questioned her existence, she questioned why she was so weak that some fancy ass girls managed to manipulate her. It's like her aura said "come and bully me because I'm weak"

Then another hit made its way onto Verspera's ribs. She crotched down on her knees, not being able to stand up from the pain anymore. This pain would kill her one day. "God.. please don't kill me before graduation"-she prayed.

-Look at this as a learning experience.- Diana said.- Next time you try to disobey any of us you will get worse than that. –and with that they left the bathroom as if nothing had happened. Vespera was feeling like a piece of shit right now. She slowly got up from the floor and made her way out. That hit was hard. She could barely walk from the pain. She always was so joyless in here like there was nothing but sadness and sorrow in this building. The only thing that she liked about this place were the memories she had with her best friend here.

She slightly limped towards her classroom. Her limping quickly caught Vang's eyes.

-Vesp! What happened!-he said panicking

-Nothing Vang. Calm down.-she said and tried to put a smile on her face.

-No. I will not calm down- Vang whisper yelled.-you are coming with me. To the doctor's office.-he said sternly and took Vespera's hand.

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