The proposal ring: Trouble at the Architecture's mend

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The realm of the monsters
Neither land nor the skies,
Darkness hides it all
Deceived by death or lies

The last rays mend
The architecture's bend
Lost in blue dark
Guarded by the death bark

~ Previously on The Proposal ring ~

"Architecture's mend? You kidding me?" she asked.

"What?" I was honestly confused by her answer.

"It's right here. This place is called the Architecture's mend. I am the guardian of this place. Since you defeated me, you have rights to this place. What kind of Poseidon spawn are you, not knowing where you are in the sea?"

~ Now ~

Now, that Klymene said that, I noticed the surrounding. The entire hall was spread out in a wide cubic form. There was blue colored stairs coming down, just like you could see in old days huge bath tubs in palaces and forts.

This place was simply wonderous.

"Wow" I muttered.

"Indeed, sea spawn. What a demigod, who doesn't even notice his own surroundings in his own region before attacking!"

"Hey, maybe I was a bit too busy noticing a certain mermaid who was hell bent on trying to kill me." I retorted back.

Klymene bit her lips from laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Tell me!" I was adamant. Don't blame me.

"Just that a son of sea thinks that he could die while in his territories. The sea of monster might not be in your regions, but water always heals you. No wonder you are 'dense'."

It took me only 35 seconds to understand what she told. Pretty less time for me. I am smart in my own ways.

"Oh." I flushed then realizing my mistake. "Who made this place?"

"No one knows. It is very ancient. Rumors were beneath this entire place works an evil scientist, to makes this place."

I looked at her.


"Rumors say that?" She shrugged.

"No wonder these people are 'crazy'." I muttered before walking towards one corner of the huge place.

The floor of the entire hall was made of ice. The cracked a bit as I walked across.

"Now, where will I find the Death Bark?" I asked Klymene.

"Why should I know where Death Bark is? Anything related to death is supposed to be Hades' realm. Not Poseidon's." she said back.

'Hades' realm. Hades' realm is underground.' I thought before bringing up his sword.

"Move aside, as I am about to break this ice." I pointed the sharp pointed end at one corner of the ice.


"Just float in the air. This place is going down. Probably."


The point where my sword touched the ice, it felt like Iron. Not a single scratch was made on the strong iron ice.

PJO Monthly Magazine: Edition 2 (February 2022)Where stories live. Discover now