The Demigod show

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Welcome back to the DEMIGOD SHOW!

Apollo live on Hephaestus TV. This cool awesome guy is BACK!!!

Missed me ladies? Of course. I know right. So, whatcha waiting for? Let's resume with our show. Our previous question to the hero of Olympus, Percy Jackson. What was it, again?

Oh right. Who is better as a father? Poseidon or Paul Blofis.

Poseidon: *looks at Percy expectantly*

Paul Blofis: *looks at Percy with hope in his eyes*

Percy: Do I have to?

Apollo: Yes. yes. It's a must.

Percy: Both. I will give it a 50-50.

Apollo: Nah. That's not allowed. You need to tell anyone.

Percy: *looks towards his mum*

Sally Jackson: *not meets Percy's eyes*

Percy: It's Paul then.

Poseidon: Excuse me. What?

Paul: *shocked*

Percy: its only like 51-49.

Poseidon: *still looks at Percy questioningly*

Percy: Paul is a mortal. Yet he manages to adjust to my world. And that's a really tough job for any mortal to do. I have been on the verge of being kicked out from Goode so many times, yet Paul always manages to save me. I am not his real son, yet he loves me like his real son.

Poseidon: *nods in understanding* You take good care of my son, Mr. Blowfish.

Paul: *speechless*

Apollo: So, that was a really emotional answer. Now, for the main announcement, Clarisse has been called by Ares for a small favor. And- Frank Zhang is coming back! First question goes to him!

P1 - Frank, were you ever jealous of Sammy?

Frank: Uh-

Frank: *glances at Leo*

Frank: *glances at Hazel*

Frank: I will be honest and tell you that yes. I was jealous. I was even scared that if Sammy comes back like Hazel or back through the doors of death when it was open, it would be . . . *shrugs*

Aphrodite: Jealousy of love. Aww. So cute.

P2 - Annabeth, what did you first think when you got to know you were a brain child?

Annabeth: Am I gonna answer this?

P2: That's the question.

Annabeth: Um- I thought that how did popping out from a brain work. Then I learnt that this was Greek Mythology. Better don't think about that.

Percy: Athena Cabin doesn't think about something? What happened? Is the world collapsing? Is Zeus being kind? Are the gods taking care of their own children?

Annabeth: *gives Percy a strong punch in the gut*

Zeus: What. did. you. just. say?

Gods: *glares at Percy strongly*

Apollo: Right, that's all guys and gals. Nest question to Leo Valdez.

P3 - Leo, what is your greatest wish?

Leo: I would really like to work in a huge workshop with Calypso. Live a peaceful life making one of the best machines that can change the world. For the better. And forever with Calypso by my side. (side theme: Ironman!!!)

Gods: *nodding understandingly*

P4: Piper, what is the first thing you have sto- borrowed using charm-speak?

Piper: *thinks a bit* It was my pocket money 1 month early from my dad. It was like quite a few years ago.

People: What?

Piper: I wanted to go shopping.

P5 - Hazel, how did you feel when you came to the modern world for the first time.

Hazel: It was . . . awkward. New things were invented that were so different from things of my time. It was too much electricity. You know, they attract monsters. Thankfully Nico didn't spend too much time between the real world and brought me to Camp Jupiter. But what I saw . . . It was huge, tall and colorful buildings.

P6 - Nico Di Angelo, did you like Percy anymore even after admitting your crush to him?

Nico: What kind of a question is this?

Aphrodite: Oooooh! A love question. You HAVE to reply. Wait, I already know it. Oh no!

Nico: No, I respected him and loved him like a cousin. Not as um . . . how I love Will.

Will: *lets out a sigh of relief*

Percy: After all 'I am not your type'.

Annabeth: *nudges Percy in the gut again*

P7: Thalia Grace, do you love Reyna?

Thalia: What?

Aphrodite: Oh, she just asked if you love Reyna. This ought to be interesting.

Artemis: What am I hearing about, Thalia?

Reyna: *glances at Thalia with an unknown emotion*

Thalia: *refuses to meet Reyna's eyes* I admired her. Like a warrior, a person who steps in front of her people to save them at any cost. But, love. That's a different thing.

P7: But did you love her?

Thalia: I am not sure yet.

Everyone: What?

Reyna: *silent not meeting anyone's eyes*

Thalia: I do feel attracted to her. But I am not sure it's love.

Artemis: Well, I guess we can make an exception for our lieutenant. At least it is not a boy. So you can stay. But about you, the one who asked this question -

P7: *runs away from Olympian auditorium*

P8: Jason Grace, what did you first think of Percy?

Percy: Yes Jason. What did you first think of me?

Jason: I was jealous of you, buddy.

Percy: What?

Jason: People at Camp Half Blood really respected you. Still do. But it's all over now. It's cool

Percy: Yeah. People at Camp Jupiter respected you too. Everything's cool bro.

Percy: *gives Jason a bro hug*

Few people: Jercy!

Others: *glares at them* *whispers* this is a bro-ship you idiots. Get out for even thinking of breaking Percabeth and Jiper.

Those Few People: Mercy!

Apollo: Today, we have only questions for these eight people. No questions for Percy today. Cuz, next edition's demigod show will be -cue the lights and music- -lightning please Pops- Interview with Jackson!!! YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! YOU HEARD THIS GORGEOUS FLASHING WONDERFUL HOT LADIES MAN CORRECT! *points finger at the audience* IT'S INTERVIEW WITH JACKSON! AND BEST NEWS OF ALL, THE INTERVIEWER WILL BE -another lightning please- -cue the music again- -lights bright to me- THIS GORGEOUS FLASHING HOT WONDERFUL GOD OF THE HOT SUN, YOUR LADIES MAN- APOLLO, AKA ME!

Everyone: *rolls eyes*

Apollo: Till then stay safe and sound and chill with the name of me.


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