Chapter 2: New Beginning

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Beep Beep Beep


"Ugh," I grunted.

I woke up groggily with a minor headache that I was feeling. Looking at the time, it was 54 minutes past 9, showing that I slept long during that period. My head was still wandering about that dream I just had as the last thing I remember was seeing "that man's" face. After some yawning, I stood up, stretched, and went to get some breakfast.

Going outside from my room, I headed through the small hallway and went down the stairs, where I saw two figures waiting for me.

My mom asked from the kitchen, "You just woke up, Nolan?"

"Yes!" I responded as I sat on the dining table with my father on the opposite side of where I am.

The two figures were my parents, my mom, Dena Newman, and my dad Eldon Newman. I am their 13-year-old son Nolan Newman.

"Here you go," my mom laid down a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon as she sat down on the seat next to dad. On the other hand, my dad was reading through his phone, knowing he was reading his colleagues' emails or online news reports.

It's like this every day. We barely exchange any words or have a long conversation about anything. My parents are busy; my mom works from home while my dad goes to his office. With those two elements, it is difficult for us to form excellent communication as the only time all of us are available is during eating sessions.

Moreover, it is not like I have a good relationship with my family at this current moment.

Eating in silence, my mom broke the ice with a topic that I knew would eventually be discussed.

"Remember Nolan, school starts on the 28th of July at 7:30, so remember to get some rest and sleep early this time."

School, intuition to educate children. They say that school is one of the main foundations of growth that a child must go through to build up experience. I have mixed opinions on that idea.

"Okay," I replied instantly.

My parents signed me up for the school called "Oakland Academy," one of the few prestigious schools in my area of Washington DC. Additionally, the school's said to have a reputation of nobles where anyone who graduates would immediately find success due to the knowledge passed down in its environment.

Signing up for Oakland Academy was probably one of the worst decisions my parents made, but in the end, I couldn't refute it. Our bond wasn't as strong as everyone who saw it initially thought, and I couldn't help but occasionally beg for some god or savior to just reverse time to the good days I've had with them.

I finished my breakfast and began heading to my room again. I said goodbye to my dad as he went to work. The last few noises I heard were my mom washing the dishes and heading straight away to her room for her job.

Entering the room, I closed the door and went to my desktop. With my parents being busy, the only thing I could do as an alternative way was scour the internet for entertainment. I practically spent 17 hours a day online with no one to disturb me, and I am free to do whatever my accessibility allows me to.

First things first, I have to check my email daily. Multiple problems have occurred because of my laziness to check emails. It would have been easier had I gotten more accessibility on my phone as text messages were a thing, but in the end, my parents' decision led me to this point, and as their child, I have to obey their every command. Reality speaking, the only reason why that decision was made was because of the "lack of my responsibility," as they would have said. It ticks me every time my parents gave me an image of that, yet they knew my history about my actions and mistakes, so I have no option but to accept that reality.

Going back to the email, I saw a new message sent called "FOR_OAKLAND_STUDENTS." I checked to see what information it was talking about, and it led me to a new tab with a one-page PDF that talks about my school in general. The letter congratulated me even though I didn't make an entrance exam to enter the school, then explained its procedure, requirements, and rules that I must follow within its foundation. Generally speaking, all the school is asking for is that I need to be respectful, which I can easily follow. The rest of the content is unimportant as all it talks about is common sense.

After finishing the letter, I checked if there were any other important messages I was given. While doing so, I imagined what my school life would be like. Would my life now become one full of sunshine and rainbows, or do I have to continue living as a lonely outcast? Regardless, I would still face difficulties, so I shouldn't get my hopes up just yet.

After checking all of the letters, I began opening YouTube and binge-watching for the entire day. Whatever happens, it will all be the same to me.

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