Chapter 3: Bad Start pt.1

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"Nolan! Wake up now, or you're going to be late for school!" My mom screamed. I always knew that she was loud, but it felt like a klaxon blasting right through my ear this time. Not to mention that she was downstairs making the call.

It was practical, though, as my first instinct was to jolt out of bed and head straight to the showers. But, before that, I did not want to hear another yell, so I immediately replied, "Okay, wait!" to make sure my mom noticed that I had woken up.

I took the first clothes I saw in my closet and rushed to the bathroom without looking. Luckily, the school doesn't require any uniforms, which made my morning more accessible, but getting used to the time cancels that factor.

Going in, I still can feel my head spinning from my action. I only spent a few minutes there as I had to rush down and eat. I put on my clothes, grabbed my bag of stationery that I didn't take out from my preceding year, and sprinted to the dining room where I could acquire my breakfast.

All I had was milk and cereal, which should keep me full for the entire morning. What's different is that I don't see dad anywhere. So I tried to look around for him, and my mom noticed what I was doing.

"Eldon is in the car waiting for you right now. My meeting will start in a few minutes so remember to lock the door outside and give the key to Daddy, okay." I nodded, and she left, waving goodbye as she entered her room.

Consuming everything inside my bowl, I wiped everything on my face and ran straight to the door to not keep my father waiting. I saw him in our only car sitting asleep in the driver's seat. Remembering what my mom told me, I took the key out and locked it from the outside. I ran straight to the car and opened the passenger seat behind my dad. He woke up from the shock and turned around to see who it was, only to realize I was there. He let out a sigh of relief, and once I knew dad was calmed down from it, I gave him the key, and we made our departure to Oakland Academy.

The distance between the school and my home is pretty far as 10 minutes have passed, and we were still going. I considered it to be as long as I would have reached my primary school by now. What made the journey even more peculiar is that my dad's direction is complete turns from the hidden corners of an alleyway. I better hope that my parents didn't ship me to a concentration camp because it is the vibe I am getting at the moment. Seconds passed, and we exited an alleyway to find that we had entered a place that I didn't know existed in my neighborhood. From there on, we just followed the road forward until we reached what I assume is our destination. I wanted to get a better look at where we were, and the first thing that caught my eyes was a large structure about 20ft tall. Still, in awe, the car stopped in front of the gate to the building.

I opened the door and was ready to get off, but my dad said a few words before my foot touched the ground. "I'll be picking you up at around 3:15. Remember to be respectful and make a good impression in front of everybody. Other than that, try to enjoy yourself here, okay?" I nodded, and he left me on my own just like that.

As I walked into the gate and tried to identify my surroundings. The place was already highly crowded, with multiple boys and girls making their way to the school entrance. I followed them as I had no sense of direction and had nowhere to go. Before starting a new chapter in my life, I gave myself a motivational speech.

All right, Nolan, remember you had prepared everything for this moment. When you weren't able to make friends in the past, you endlessly read multiple guides on social interaction to make sure it will be different. When you were walking into a battlefield of the unknown, you straightened my posture and ensured that nothing would stop you from accomplishing your mission. And those failures that you made in the past, you throw it all the way the moment you reflect on it. This time it will be different. This time I would be walking into a new and better life. At least, that is what I tried to convince myself.

Instead, I ran straight to a trash can outside and vomited a large amount of junk into it. Not only did I earn some strange looks from people, I probably might have made many people afraid of me from that act alone.

Great. What a great way to start a new school.

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