Chapter 7: Cooperation

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"Lastly, this activity will be done in a group of three, so with that said, everyone may begin."

Wait. What!

From there, all of my happiness went away. Immediately after that last statement, students flock to their friends, trying to be in a group to form a group. This was more chaotic as the groups are formed through different convictions each person has, such as those wanting the most brilliant members or those wanting the closest of friends to work together. I have none of that. I was all alone.

Retracing to my first day of school, I had never tried to communicate with anyone. I couldn't just walk up to the teacher and say, "Hey, I don't have a group member," without asking. In fact, I don't think I was able to handle a conversation with anyone. I have never remembered making a single friend with anybody that I didn't know of the entirety of my life. Moreover, it would not be delightful because I used to work with the teachers because of scenarios like this. Now that I am a teenager, I would die of shame having to do this in public.

Putting my head up, I could already see many people forming groups and having fun. It wasn't terrific. Finally, feeling despair, I put my head back down and wished that this nightmare was over.

"Hey, you there," someone said.

That was probably for someone else, so I ignored it.

"Hello! Are you asleep?" The same person says, poking my shoulder.

Irritated, I lifted my head to see who it was. The person poking me was a boy with brown hair and some freckles visible on his cheeks. What stood out the most of his appearance was his green eyes that appeared to be slightly translucent. Before I was able to speak, I was interrupted by him again.

"Hello, you are Nolan, right?" He asked, looking at me for confirmation.

Wanting to go back to what I was doing, I said "Yes" followed by "Do you want anything?"

"Do you have a group yet?" He asked


"Oh, do you want to join my group?"

"Wait," I paused, "Can you repeat that?"

"I said do you want to join my group?" The boy repeated. "We need one more member, so are you available?"

"Why are you asking me? Isn't there someone else better?" I said as I was not convinced. Haven't he heard of the rumors? He should let someone else handle him then drag him down with me.

"I mean, is it wrong to ask you for help?" The boy asked, offended and confused with my response.

Am I dreaming? Is this guy the first intellectual person I was waiting for? This was the first time someone would come up to me for cooperation. I was beaming with excitement. In my years of living, I almost had no one to interact with that wouldn't have a suspicious or eerie thought about me. I can't mess this up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful with that question, but I am available," I said rapidly. I couldn't maintain complete composure after hearing a request like this. My mouth hurts due to holding back the "creepy smile" that everyone was talking about.

"Great!" He said. "Hey Roman, come here. I got another groupmate," he yelled.

There I could see a tall figure with spiky black hair holding a blank A3 paper for the assignment coming towards my direction. Next, getting a better look is another boy, but his appearance was bizarre as he seems like a year or two older than me.

He placed the paper on my desk, and we made eye contact.


"Nolan meet Roman and Roman meet Nolan," the boy said

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