Chapter 4: Bad Start pt.2

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After cleaning whatever mess I had left on me, I followed the other students on where we were going. I can already see a few avoiding me as they probably saw me throwing up out of nowhere. You goofed up this time, I said to myself. Ignoring that fact, I continued my path to who-knows-where until the people in front of me stopped moving. They stopped at a door that was leading to a large hall. There, I could see the group of students I was following breaking up as they were going to separate paths. Walking in confusion, I was trying to figure out where to go until I spotted a sign on top that said "Grade 7." Using common logic, I decided to go to the area where the wooden sign was hanging as I assumed my destined location was there. I saw many students around my age gathered all together, sitting on the floor. I followed them and waited for what was to come.

As time went on, I heard the doors shut as it showed that everyone was here in this one spot. The room was now silent as a woman looked to be in her forties going up on the stage in front of the crowd of students with what seemed to be a microphone on her.

In full enthusiasm, she began her announcement, "Good morning everyone, boys, girls, teachers, and staff members. I am your principal, Mrs. Micah, and I thank you all for being an official part of Oakland's Academy community."

With those simple words, the crowd erupted an outburst of claps, showing the same amount of enthusiasm as their beloved principal. Mrs. Micah then continued with her speech, and personally, there wasn't anything exciting or necessary to take note of it, but her voice was compelling. It just got everyone in the mood to shift with hers.

"Lastly, you all would be divided into four separate classrooms from A to D. When you hear the teacher in front of you call your respective names, they will lead you to your homeroom." And with that, her speech was finished.

I looked in front and saw four teachers I am assuming were the ones discussed at the beginning. One of them, a tall slim woman in her mid-thirties, started calling out people's names whom I thought would be part of class 7A. I waited for my turn to be called and what do you know, I was the last one. Standing up, I followed the line of students going to her classroom as I heard the second class being called at the back.

We went to the second floor of the school building and entered the classroom. A door in front covered by decoration and a test that said "English" and "Ms. Kara," whom I am assuming is my teacher's profile and status.

The teacher I now know is Ms. Kara told everyone to be seated as she was about to give an opening speech. It was no different from the one Mrs. Micah said, but she said this in the end.

"That's all an introduction about me. Now I will call one of you up and introduce yourself for 10 seconds. How about you, Nolan?"


I stood up and started speaking whatever came first in my mind, "Um... uh... My name is Nolan ... uh I am 13 years old, and I was born on February 13, 2007, and um... I am an only child, and uh... my favorite subject is humanities.

"Okay, that is a good enough introduction. I would have minus your grade cause you didn't say English was your favorite subject, but oh well. How about you, Roderick? How-"

Dear God, as I sat back down on my seat, my face was buried in my desk as I was humiliated by my introduction. So much for an excellent first impression. I tried to fall asleep as I and was waiting for everyone else to finish their introduction, only to hear a large "bang" as Ms. Kara slammed her palm on my desk.

"Nolan, I know this is your first day at school but don't forget the rules, okay?" she says with a tick mark on her head.

I nodded as she gave me the same feeling like my mother, and I heard a few snickering at the back of the class, laughing at what was unfolding.

Class ended early since everyone finished their introduction, and the period was technically meant for homeroom, so now we all got break time. As I entered the cafeteria, I was dumbfounded by the sheer size. It had two stories with multiple stands from food from respective countries and their culture. If I had the money to purchase it, I would have, but I didn't, plus I wasn't feeling hungry. So I sat at the table at the very corner only because I didn't enjoy being in the open. I could see some people avoiding me or looking at me funny from previous events, and I wish I could just end myself right here and now. But, instead, I will spend the rest of my three years as a troublesome weirdo as I hear people chatting back and forth about it.

Unable to withstand the uncomfortable environment, I moved to my next classroom, the humanities class. I was grinning heavily as there was finally something good I could do in this noble school. Before I went in, some people kept their distance from me, and this time I heard it from their voices that it was because of my grin.

Ring Ring Ring

That's the bell, I said to myself. The moment I went in, I was greeted by a tall young bearded man who, like Mr. Kara, I know just by looking at the door, is Mr. Travis. I took a seat next to the door as I knew I would be isolated by everyone else, so instead, I would just solve that issue myself as others would always take the chairs at the back. By now, everyone in 7A should be in this class, and with that being said, Mr. Travis stood up and began his introduction in front of the course.

"Alright, everybody, I'm going to quickly introduce myself. I am Travis Sharrow. You all can and should call me Mr. Travis, and I am your surprise humanities teacher." He says with large amounts of energy. "Now we would be in a bit of a hurry in my class as there are multiple topics that we must discuss, so start by taking the textbook underneath your desk and open chapter 3, which should be on page 27. Once you do that, you may begin reading individually for 15 minutes."

I put my hand underneath and felt the book he was talking about. Reading the title, it says "Humanities Geography," which made me feel a punch in my stomach as if I am not mistaken. The topic is probably the least interesting that I enjoy. Confirming my thoughts, I flipped through the pages, checked if my guess was correct, and looked at that, chapter 3: cartography. I wasn't the only one feeling a bit down as many other students had the same feeling, but I must look at the bright side as this topic isn't that bad. As I was about to start, Mr. Travis gave a follow-up to his introduction the put the entire class into a deep silence.

"Also, remember to take down notes as we will have an exam next week."

Excuse me. What!

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