11. Myles (Cute/Dirty)

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Please read at your own risk if you're not into that freaky mess skip this story but this my first time writing a steamy scene so if I suck give me a break.

You're going to the pool with Myles and things get a little freaky.

Your POV

My phone kept ringing as I tossed and turn in the bed trying to get some sleep, I finally decided to answer the phone.i grumpily answered without looking at the caller ID.
"What do you want you're interrupting my precious sleep,"
"Oh really well I guess you don't want to spend time with your boyfriend who just came back from tour."

I screamed into the phone hearing him chuckle, "Baby, I'm so sorry I missed you much," I said pouting. He informed me that he would take me out to the pool today and would come by in 30 minutes. I jumped off my bed and ran to the shower stripping down to the nude and getting in the shower. I pranced around scrubbing my skin and shaving necessary areas, I was so excited to have my baby, Myles, back home. I only got to see him twice on tour because I had college to attend but now he's back and mama wants some sugar.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my skin, walking to my closet and picked out my triangle bikini which was a pale pink color. I rubbed lotion onto my skin and put the bikini on. I put on a white tank top and some cute shorts and went downstairs to pack my tote bag.

I was packing snacks when my doorbell ringed, I walked to my door unsure of who it was because Myles had about 15 minutes left. I opened the door to see a giant teddy bear in the way, I finally looked up and saw the love of my life. I squealed and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately. I missed his comfort and his cherry flavored lips.

I was so into the kiss, that I forgot we were outside and we were basically dry-humping each other outside. I pulled away and pecked his lips, sliding down his body. I grabbed the teddy with Myles help and we went inside. We carried it upstairs to my room.

I went back downstairs and finished packing the bag and I grabbed Myles hand and walked out with the tote bag not before locking the door.We got out into the car and drove to a hotel.

I was impressed but didn't say anything he would explain it. We got out and Myles got a key and we walked to the pool one time. I sat on the pool chair and took my tank top off and put my sunglasses over my eyes, laying back.

Myles got into the water, swimming around while I checked my notifications on Twitter. Myles splashed water on me while gasped as the cold water hit my hot skin. I smirked and took my clothes off and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I jumped into the water, swimming up to him and ducking him under the water, laughing as he pulled me down and pecked my lips. We came back up and fooled around in the water by splashing each other with the water.

He swam up behind me and held me in his arms as we watched the sun set over the horizon. He started to kiss my neck slowly, I arched my back into his warmth. My body was tingling with excitement. I turned around and kissed his lips passionately. I whispered against his slightly swollen lips
"Let's take this up to the hotel room," I said winking and getting out with him hot pursuit of me.

We sped walk towards the elevator, with Myles being handsy the whole way, he fished into his jeans that was thrown over his shoulder for the room key and he opened it.

He pushed me in and closed the door with my back against it. My lips made my way to his and his hands roaming my body. It felt good as he fingers danced over my body, he grabbed my ass hoisting my up as I wrap my legs around his waist.

We ended up on the bed, I flipped us over with me on top, I got off him, giving him a strip tease, I pulled my shorts down slowly, bending over facing my ass towards him as he slaps it lightly, I squeal with excitement and heat. I flung them to the side turning back around, pulling the strings on my bikini top as it fell down.

The light chilly air conditioner breeze made my nipples harden, I blushed at the look Myles was giving me, as I pulled my bikini bottoms down and swayed my hips seductively towards him, as I pushed him down on the bed, pulling his t-shirt off as I leave hot kisses down his chest as he lets me take control.

I rubbed my naked heat against his hardened member, he groaned as I pushed his trunks down with my feet. We're both naked and heated. His warmth against me is beautiful every time.

I straddled his waist properly, looking into his eyes, as I positioned him at my wet opening, teasing myself biting my red swollen lips. I finally rested myself down on his large member, moaning uncontrollably adjusting to his size.

I rocked my hips, looking at Myles, he was looking at me with adoration and love in his eyes. I was so in love with him even more with this sense of passion we were sharing here. He held my hips making me go faster, while my hands were tangling my hair, as he was slamming me down against his length.

He pulled out laying us down on the bed, kissing me and entering me again. He was going deeper and rough, as I crawled his back, grabbing his shoulders. I was so glad to be back in his arms we shared this wonderful bliss until the night was over.

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