7. Myles (Baby)

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You're taking your baby, Alissa to see her dad, Myles, sing at his concert with Kalin for the first time.


"Yes Alissa I know you miss daddy but cooperate with mummy please," I said pouting at my crying, two year old daughter. I was getting frustrated but I didn't want to wake Myles because he has a show later on today and Ali had him up all night because it seems like she's teething.

I covered my face with my hands, sighing loudly when I felt large hands pulled me into their chest, I uncovered my eyes looking up at my husband, frowning,
"Did she wake you up again ?"

"No baby it's okay I got her," he said kissing my forehead taking Ali out of her crib, rocking her slowly from side to side humming her a lullaby.

I smiled, walking up him hugging him from behind, nuzzling my face into his back as he watched a sleeping Alissa in the crib. He turned around in my arms, as I got on my tiptoes to peck his lips but he lifted me up making me wrap my legs around his waist.

We walked towards our room as he walked into the shower, resting me on the counter, I blushed slightly because I had on my booty shorts because it was too hot last for my long pajama pants.

He rubbed his hands on my thighs, kissing my neck softly, while I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He reached for my bra, unclasping it, throwing it then started stare at me.

I covered my breasts with my hands, looking down feeling insecure under his gaze, after having Alissa I put on a lot of weight, I lost some of it but I still felt chunky, I hopped down, rushing into the shower, turning it on hearing him sigh and walk out.

I discarded my rest of clothes, showering clean and stepped out not before washing my hair out. I saw him brushing his teeth at the sink. I frowned slightly, picking up my toothbrush putting the toothpaste brushing my teeth at my separate sink, glancing at him from time to time.

"Stop thinking about yourself like that Y/N , you're perfect just the way you are and I still love you unconditionally," he says looking over and kissing my forehead.

I smiled up at him, blushing pushing him to get ready for his soundcheck reminding him that I'll come later with Ali.

I smiled giddily, as I got my hair and makeup ready, I went into my closet dressing in a flannel dress, and my white vans on and I rock them to the fourth hole.

I went into Alissa's room and changed her diaper, packing a diaper bag and extra clothes so I could change her in the car because I didn't want to wake her up. I grabbed our things and set her in the car seat.

I strapped her into the car and got in my seat, driving towards the venue.
"We gon get this thang jumpin' jumpin', " I sang quietly as I parked inside in venue and got out, grabbing my babygirl and her baby bag and walked in not before hugging Grover.

I walked down the hall seeing Kalin and Cam messing around. I walked up to them watching as they got wooed by Alissa, Myles is gonna have to fight guys away from my princess. I handed Alissa to Kalin and walked to the stage where I was hearing Myles rehearse his raps.

I saw Dom and Jakey at the deejay table as he showed her the equipment. They're so cute that I didn't even realize Myles was standing behind me, watching his little brother too.

I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Remember when you use to show me how to produce beats," I said looking up at him. He pecked my lips repeatedly complimenting me on my outfit. I saw Kalin holding Alissa's little hands helping her to walk. I smiled at the sight and Myles turned around slouching down to pick her up, throwing her up in the air, kissing her rosy cheeks.

I took a picture of them, and grabbed Ali from his hands as I saw the crowd coming in, I took her into the green room and put her in a dress which read daddy's little angel on the front and her white sandals. I sat in the room, feeding her a bottle watching the performance on the television. As I finished burping her, I put her down on the floor and she crawled to the television, pointing at Myles, while yelling "dada" with her pacifier in her mouth.

I picked her up, showering her cheeks with kisses and walked backstage to see, Mama White and LaLa watching the boys perform. I handed Ali to Mama White and danced with LaLa to  the Mexican part in "You're The Only One I Need."

It was coming to the end of the show and Myles told Jake to stop the music. Everyone wanted to know what this was about and I too was curious.

"Hey everyone, sorry to stop you guys from getting hyphy but I just want to bring out two very important girls in my life," he says into the microphone as he walks to me and Alissa. I was wide-eyed as he took Alissa into his arms and held my hand walking back out.

The crowd went wild as Alissa and I walked with Myles on the stage. It's a good thing I put earplugs in her ears.
"So everyone this is my wife and you all know baby Ali here," he spoke as everyone said yes in-sync.

" I just want to thank you guys for keeping me grounded and I want to thank my fans because without you guys, I would've have married her or be chasing dreams with baby k (Kalin) and It's Alissa's first time seeing daddy in concert."

I smiled as I took her into my arms and asked her to say 'kamfam' because we've been practicing for this.
"Dada, kamfam." she said so perfectly and the crowd said a chorus of 'awws' and 'she's so cute'

I'm so thankful for my family, as I watched Alissa giggling at Myles and Kalin as they interacted with the fans.

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