10. Kalin (Sad)

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You realize he doesn't love you anymore.

Your POV

I'd always love to roll over in the morning and find Kalin there, I'd cuddle him so hard because I missed him when he was on tour but now all I feel is the empty spot. It's changing really fast and I knew this day would come.

I was warned not to love him but being foolish I just hoped he'd always have love for me. I sighed getting out of bed, walking into our little daughter, Kaylee's, room to my surprise she wasn't in her crib. I walked downstairs to see him feeding her apple sauce. I was a little jealous of my babygirl because he actually shows her love, I just get the cold kisses and side hugs.

I just hated how he'd just pass me straight in the hallway, he only puts on an act for the people outside our home but nobody knows what goes on inside this house.

"Morning mummy's little princess," I said kissing Kaylee's rosy cheeks, I smiled weakly at Kalin as he gave me a half smile mumbling morning to me. This was our daily routine, unless he had to go to the studio.

I walked towards the fridge, I'm not gonna cry in front of him again and then blame them on my allergies. I bet by now he knows it's not my allergies. I was tired of being treated like this. I miss his smile, the way his face scrunches up when he laughs and his soft wet kisses.

I was so in a daze that he actually walked up to me and closed the fridge door, while holding my hand from where it was situated at the handle, I felt the same sparks and I'd always forget about leaving home and it goes on forever like this.

I don't need him anymore but I want him. I just want to be the reason for his smile again, the dumb jokes and laughter is all I want to hear. I want them all because he means the world to me and I want every part of his love.

He released my hand and the feeling of warmth was left and he walked into the living room, putting the television on watching the basketball game. I took Kaylee into my arms from the high chair and we walked to her playroom.

I sat on the chair situated in the corner while I watched over Kaylee as she played with her toys. I grabbed my journal and started to write my letters.

I loved you but you didn't understand
April 23rd, 2015

All I wanted to do was love you because I saw more than the world and society's expectations in you. In you I saw that I could let go of everything this world says you need to have. Why can't love be so simple? I just wanted to live in you and be with you everyday of my life. I just wanted to be the one that you could come to when everything went wrong. I didn't know you wanted to become more than just you and me together chasing the sun. All I know is that I loved you so much.

I sighed as a tear dropped onto the page, I wiped my face putting the book down and glances at Kay before staring out the window watching the beauty of The Bay.

I've lived here all my life with Kalin. We were the high school sweethearts but I guess the sweet turned sour. I miss him so much it hurts everyday to look at him. It use to be a fairytale love, I remember he wrote his lines in "Disney Love" about us. I sighed as I went over to Kaylee and picked her up.

I waked into our room and laid Kay on the bed next to me and pulled the cover over us as I patted her back. I wait until she was asleep and started to pack our clothes. I was about to leave the love of my life because he fell out of love with me.

I was midway through packing when he walked in and saw me, with my bags packed and Kaylee's baby clothes in my hands. He sighed and walked towards, looking down at me and hugged me tightly. I was shocked as to why he was holding me but I didn't care I actually felt loved by him in a long time.

We held each other as we swayed lightly, he pulled away slightly still holding me.
"I knew this time was coming," he sighed as he looked into my bloodshot eyes.

He kissed my forehead and helped me finish pack the rest of clothes. I looked at him as he put the suitcases in the truck of my car. I was holding a sleeping Kaylee as I swayed with her lightly. He walked up to me, kissing my lips do tenderly, it made me want to reconsider my plans.

"I'll never give up on you baby, I'll fight for you even if my life depends on it, I'll come for you don't come for me," as he said those words a few tears slipped from my eyes. He wiped them, hugging Kay and I.

We walked to my car and he put Kaylee in her carseat and I got in, he leaned over and pecked my lips repeatedly.
"I'll love you so hard when the time comes don't forget to send me pictures of Kay and FaceTime."

With those words, he backed up and I drove off looking in the rear view mirror where he stood at the entrance of our house I watched him shed some tears but he blew me a kiss. I really hoped he'd come back to me and love me hard as he said.

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