3. Kalin (Fight) Part 2

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When reading this chapter play 'Everybody Knows- John Legend' this inspired this chapter.


Myles parked outside his house and came out going into the trunk and grabbed the bags. I got out and picked LaLa up and walked into his house.I walked up into the spare bedroom and laid LaLa down and laid next to her, kissing her forehead slightly.

Tears poured out of my eyes, because this isn't the first time it's happen to me whenever he drank. I sniffled as I saw the sun pouring through the curtains, I rolled off the bed, dragging my feet into the bathroom and standing over the sink, looking at my face and I frowned slightly. I washed my face over and over trying to forget everything that happened.

I heard a Myles yelling at someone downstairs thinking it was Jake stealing his "coco poofs" but I heard Kalin's voice yelling to speak to me. I sighed knowing that I had to make my desicion now.

I walked over to the bed, kissing LaLa on the forehead and covering her more and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs watching then argue back and forth.

I sighed and walked towards them and Kalin stopped first and looked me straight into my eyes, I dropped my graze because I know I wouldn't go forth with my desicion. I patted Myles on the back telling him it was okay. He kissed my forehead and walked into the kitchen leaving me with Kalin who was standing at the door.

I sat on the porch while he say next to me. No one said a word until he broke the silence saying the word he would always say every time this happened.

Kalin: I didn't mean to hurt you babygirl

I shook my head, holding back my tears, taking a deep breath and saying the five words I might regret.

Y/N: Kalin, we need a break.

He sucked in a breath, biting his lips. I looked over at him and saw he was a mess just as me. He look up at me and I saw his glassy, bloodshot eyes. I felt bad but I needed to do this for me.

" Thought I couldn't live without you,

It's gonna hurt when it heals too

Even though I really love you

I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to.

All I know is I'll be okay, " I said with my voice cracking at the end.

I pulled him into a hug, burying my face into his neck feeling his hot tears on my hair. I bit my lip to stop my tears but they just spilled out and we both sat there in each others arms crying.

After a few tears we pulled away and he pecked my lips knowing it was the last time. We both got up and hugged one last time and I walked into the house, closing it behind me and held my chest, crying softly.

Myles walked up to me frowning and took me into his arms, I cried so much that I didn't notice that we were on the couch and him rocking me slowly. He kept whispering " it's for the best " I nodded, wiping my tears and kisses his cheek, hugging him tightly.

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