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Dream pov

I walked out of the house after the incident and my mom didn't even dare to go after me. I didn't plan on going back either, i didn't know where to go but having some "fun" would be pretty interesting. So i headed straight to the city and when i was getting close to it there were people passing by me and gasping, some crossed the road on purpose just as i expected.

But now the main question is how much people saw that live..

I continued walking forward while a band of drunk people passed by

"ay man! looking for some grulls" he mumbled the last word

"grulls?" i questioned and turned around, two drunk people and one sober.

"gruweeils!" the drunk man replied while the other drunk one slapped his knee and laughed while almost tripping over

"I'm sorry, they're drunk" the shorter boy apologised "But can i have a word with you after i bring them home?"

"sure. Where?"

The boy confusingly looked at me "where what.."

"where will we meet?"

"i don't know.." he looked down at his shoes and quickly catched the drunk guy that almost fell to the ground.

"I'll just help you" i chuckled and took the guy that was holding against the other drunk guy, i placed my hand over his shoulder and we started walking forward while those two kept saying some weird sentences

"Thank you" the boy laughed

"No problem" i continued walking forward and wondering if the boy knows who i am, he seemed to not know and be positive about everything right now. But maybe he doesn't want to tell me because of the drunk dudes walking with us, who knows what they can say or do. I get mad over everything.

We continued walking forward

"How did they end up in this situation anyway?" i asked

The boy scoffed and said "They were playing truth or dare and some girl dared them both to take like 20 shots of alcohol."

"wouldn't that make them pass out?" i wondered

"surprisingly they didn't."

"whee what?! We dednted??!" the drunk guy almost fell back but i catched him

"Shut up and get back on your feet, that's enough alcohol for you both"

"don't boeeees me aroune!!" the guy yelled back

"It's okay no need to argue with him." the boy laughed as we continued walking forward


After we arrived to his house we made those two go to bed and wait for them to finally fall asleep, tomorrow they'll have a big headache and i just know it from my personal experience (i see you sussygogs)

"what did you want to talk about anyway?" i turned around and looked at the boy who awkwardly smiled

"Just wanted to ask you something, come on" he turned around and walked outside with me following him.

He stopped in front of the doorstep and looked at me

"Thank you for saving me from my dad earlier, he was put in jail yesterday due to abusing me and my mom."

I scoffed. He knew that i was dream now, well of course, who wouldn't.

"It's nothing" i looked down at my feet

"and.. Why were you in town anyway? You're a dangerous criminal and everyone wants to capture you!"

"I don't think i really care anymore, even when my face got exposed to the whole world. It's not like they can catch me anyway"

"It's true" George chuckled

"How do you always get away though?"

"I don't know. I just manage to slip away somehow. Or they just have useless cops." i shrugged and was about to walk inside the house to check up if those two are sleeping but got stopped by hearing sirens in the distance

"Get in the house!" i quickly pulled George by his arm and threw him inside the house while getting inside aswell.

"What the-" i covered George's mouth and slowly shut the curtains with one of my hand


The police car stopped near the house in front

"Does someone live in there?" i asked

"Yes. A lady that really likes to gossip, she's in her 40's but always somehow manages to tell someone the secrets this neighborhood people keep."

"So a snitch?"

"Kind of"

I sighed "We have to go upstairs just in case they decide to come here. Maybe the lady saw my face too and noticed me talking with you, in that case we will have to escape through the window upstairs."

"Why not downstairs?"

"It's the most obvious place they'll look at!" we slowly got up and headed upstairs to observe the cops from the other window. They knocked on George's neighbor's door and the door slowly opened and revealed a lady that was.. Clearly in her 40's.

"She's telling them something" george whispered next to me while i watched the situation

"Can't believe im keeping a criminal in my house"

I didn't answer and continued watching the neighbors. And just as i expected, they had a long talk and then the cops headed to George's House.

"Cmon they're coming here. Don't take anything besides your phone." i got up from my knees and went to the room that was next to the window

"I hope they don't find us"

I opened the window and looked down, threw George's mattress down right on time when we heard the knock on the door

"Don't yell. Or they'll spot us." i pointed my hand at the window and George jumped out on the mattress. He didn't make a single sound so it was going great. Then i jumped.

"I can't believe I'm leaving everything behind" george sighed while i started walking forward to the road that led to the forest

"Where are we going now?" he suddenly cached up to me

"My house."

"We have to go through the forest..?"

"Yes? Isn't that a normal thing?"

"You're a psycho dream"

We both laughed

Sorry for not posting chapters, im sick 😍👍👍 yes but here you go

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Sorry for not posting chapters, im sick 😍👍👍 yes but here you go

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