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"I can't help but want to kill your dear friend too Tommy." dream smiled as Tommy slowly turned around to look at him

"Don't you dare do anything to my best friend"

"Oh but Tommy, we made an agreement, and usually you have to keep your promises and do everything you agreed to do."

"Agreement is an agreement but George is also my friend no matter how much i suspect him. And i really don't care even if he is the one who planned it. I'd never be able to kill someone or be as heartless as you"

"That won't be necessary" a voice behind Tommy spoke.

As soon as Tommy turned around he saw George. Standing there with a mad expression "I can't believe you'd make such a sick agreement tommy, but i also don't want tubbo to go through hell this man prepared"

"aww.." dream laughed "Not calling me a friend anymore George?"

"I wonder if you ever shut up dream" George sighed and looked back at Tommy "Then go. Keep tubbo safe"

"But -" Tommy started but got cut off quickly.

"Keep him safe for everyone tommy, I'll deal with dream myself. I started this either way, no one should experience the hell i started."

Tommy didn't even say a word now. He glanced back at dream for a second, then, turned his head and started walking away. Leaving George and dream by themselves

"I knew you'd target me" George smiled

"And i knew you'd tell everyone about everything i told you before. I don't want those rumours getting known by anyone besides you. There's a reason i trusted you even when i knew, i shouldn't"

"Are you saying that you really did count me as a friend?"

"Silly to think of that." dream laughed "I've always thought more of you George, you definitely stand out from everyone else. So then be it" dream walked up to George and handed him a paper that had 4 digit code on it.

"What's this?" George looked over at the paper in dreams hands

"Find a house in your neighborhood that includes those numbers there, as soon as you're there knock on the door. And don't worry I'm not planning to kill you" dream jumped on a fence of a house "Maybe" he winked and disappeared in the backyard of the house

Now George was left in the middle of the road with a paper in his hands that had numbers on it "4523". He had nothing to lose now that dream got him in this situation.. So he immediately started walking home without any other thoughts.

When he walked inside he immediately took his phone, a knife and some bandages, just in case..

"4523" he read the numbers on the paper all over again as he walked around his neighborhood looking for a house that has the numbers on it.

He walked past many houses until finally finding a house with that number.

He walked up to the house carefully and gently knocked on the door. To his surprise the door got opened by an old woman

"What a surprise! I haven't had any guests in years" she said as she welcomed George in

(did he get me to come here to look over his grandma?) George thought as the woman sat him down on the couch

"So tell me, "GEORGE", what brings you here " the lady sat on the chair in front of George

George didn't know how to react so he just handed the lady the four digit code which she took and read.

"4523." she sighed "Pathetic" the old lady stood up and threw her lamp on the floor. It instantly broke into small pieces, but the lady didn't care. She picked up a family photo, sat back down and smiled with tears in her eyes

"Clay gave you that piece of paper didn't he?" she spoke

"Yes, dream did"

"Those numbers lead you to the woods where dream and his friend Wilbur are waiting for you. They'll torture you and then lead you to death, i know his plans better than he ever did, I'm his dear aunt. He never changes but there is a way to change his future plans, he killed many people by now, no one could ever change him but perhaps.. You? " she picked up the family photo and lend it to George.

"This is their family photo, that's his mother" she pointed at the woman in the picture "Father, brother, and dog."

"Give him this family picture, explain to him that what he does is completely the opposite of what his parents would want him to do." she took an old video tape and put it in George's hands "this is a recording of his mother saying what she wants him to do when he grows up, she said this right after giving birth to clay, play the recording to him and try to change his life path. He definitely needs a new start"

George got up from the couch "I appreciate it a lot. But why did he make me come here? To try and change him?"

"He came here a day before saying that when you come, i have to tell you the path to the woods where you'll get tortured and everything i mentioned. I didn't want to agree but he forced me, and threatened me with a lot of stuff. So do it for me George, if he finds out i gave you all of this and it doesn't work out. I'm most certainly dead."

George just nodded in response.

"And before all of this happened,"Betrayal" he said, you're the only person he ever trusted, its been years since he made a friend George, there's something special that he sees in you "

"... "George stayed in silence.

This chapter really took a twist didn't it.. Looks like things may not go dreams way now.

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