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Pov: (y/n)

I haven't had rest and peace since Camilo said that. I couldn't work or sleep properly, couldn't get my head off of it. Had he really written that poem?

Maybe not, maybe Beto just showed it to him before he gave it to me. But that would be impossible, they're not even friends, and after what Camilo said about him last night, I don't think they ever will be.

But if Camilo wrote this poem, how did it end up in Beto's hands? Could it be that Beto saw Camilo bringing me the poem and decided to take over the authorship? No, he wouldn't do that, he didn't need to, he must know I would accept his invitation anyway. Also if Beto had done that Camilo would tell me right away, and all he did was scream and curse Beto for no reason.

But if it wasn't Camilo who wrote the poem, how did he know about flor de mayo? Is it possible that it was just an coincidence? No that would be crazy! Maybe I'm going crazy.

Tired of unanswered questions, I decided to seek help from the wisest person I know, Angelica. So I prepared to wake up very early to avoid my father telling me to do something at the store, and go to her house to tell her about the situation and ask her what she thinks.

And that's what I did, I woke up at 5 am, dressed quickly and didn't even do my hair or shower, grabbed my purse where I hid the letter and ran off down the hall (where my father's room was) on the tip of my toes.

But when I got to the kitchen there he was, boiling coffee. I managed to stop running Before he saw me, and I realized he was distracted by tempering something, so I tried to be as discreet as possible by walking across the room.

"Good morning mi pequeña" He said without even turning around "Why did you wake up so early?"

"I was..." I said trying to rephrase my story without the part that involved a possible love letter from a Madrigal "...going home to Angelica" I added as he served himself a cup of coffie "...see the new decoration"

"But why go so early?" he asked sitting at the kitchen table "You haven't even showered"

"It's because…" I quickly looked around trying to think of some plausible explanation, until I saw the sink faucet dripping and said "We're going to swim in the river later"

"Is that why you were sneaking out?" he asked putting sugar in his coffee "Because you were afraid I would deny a day off?"

"Yes" I said, relieved that he had believed my story, but still trying to sound nervous "I'm sorry, papa"

He looked at me steadily as he took a sip of his coffee, it was too hot, I don't know how he didn't burn his tongue, but as soon as he placed the cup on the table he said:

"Next time, ask me if you can go" I already imagined he was going to tell me to shower and go to the store when he added "This will be the first and last time I let you go without asking me, understand?"

"YES papa!" I responded excitedly, running towards him and hugging him "You're the best!"

"Get back in time for dinner!" He said as I left the house.

I ran as fast as I could to Angelica's house, not even noticing all the people who looked at me like a disheveled madwoman. When I finally got there I came across her father, José, sweeping the sidewalk.

"Good morning, (y/n)!" He said as soon as he saw me "What are you doing here so early?"

"I came to talk to Angelica, sir" I replied stepping closer.

Between Barbs and Thorns - Enemies to Lovers y/n x CamiloWhere stories live. Discover now