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(Self harm)
I walked into sal's small bathroom and sighed. I lock the door behind me and stare at myself in the mirror. I'm such a disappointment. I grab a razor and take the blade out. I take my shirt off and press the blade against my arm then I just.. Cut. Multiple times. I was in the shower watching all the blood drip down my arm. I got up even though I feel nauseous. I turn the water on and take my pants off and step in. I let the hot water hit my scars to get rid of the blood. It did hurt but I could care less. I'm such a disappointment. Father hates me. I know he does. He'll never love me. I'm such a freak. A fag. A disgrace. I sit down in the bathtub and cross my arms around my legs. I sat there forever and got up to finish the rest of my shower.. I step out of the shower and dry my hair off with the towel. I put my shirt on and pants. I look for some bandages for my arm and found some, luckily. I wrap the bandage around my arm and walk out of the bathroom. "Hey." Sal was on the couch. "Hey sal." I walk over to him and sit down next to him. He looks at me. "I'm sorry, about what happened with you today." I look down and nod. Sal reached behind his mask to take it off. He sets it down on his lap. I look down at him. "You know. You're beautiful right?" He looks up at me, shocked. "W-What?" He started to lightly blush. "Yeah.. I mean, you're perfect in my eyes. I was always so jealous of how perfect you are." I set my head back on the couch. Looking up at the ceiling. He moved to sit next to me. He hugged me. "Thank you.. No one has ever said that." I look down at him and he was hugging me tight. I gently wrap my hands around his waist and hug him back. I gently put my index finger on his chin and lift his head. I lean close to him and our noses are almost touching. "I.. I love you sal fisher." I kiss him and he sits up in our kiss and sits on me and wraps his arms around my neck. I gently place my hands on his waist. He pulls away to breathe. "I promise you.. Me and my friends will protect you from your father." He giggles and puts his head in the crook of my neck. We stay like that for a while. Then sal slowly went limp indicating he fell asleep. Adorable. I giggle and pick him up bridal style and walk him into his room. I set him down and put his mask on the night stand. I sigh and lay down next to him. I wrap my arms around him and cuddle him tight. "I love you.." I whisper and fall asleep.

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