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I walk inside my house and take my shoes off and line them with the others. I stood up and realize father is right in front of me. He harshly slaps me. I grab my face and he punches me into the ground. This time I was on the wood floor and I hit my head. My head started to hurt badly. I grab my head and look at my hand. I realized my head was bleeding. "Get up." I get up and my head felt like I was spinning. I knew I wasn't standing straight. He knocked me on the floor again. I started to cough blood up. "Oh? Now you think you can make a mess on my floor?!" He kicks me in the side. Then there was a knock at the door. My head was spinning. He quickly grabbed me by the shirt to make me stand over my blood. I couldn't see straight. He opened the door. "Kenneth Phelps-" it was an officer? I think? "OH MY GOD TRAVIS!!" I saw blue hair. Sal.. I saw sal's mask in front of me. His blue hair. I fell and everything went black.


We got to Travis' house quickly and we got out. The officers told us to stay behind them and they knocked on the door. Kenneth slowly opened it and I saw blood. I saw Travis. "OH MY GOD TRAVIS!!" I quickly slipped through them and ran to Travis. Blood was pouring down his head and he couldn't stand straight. I was about to grab him when he fell. I got on my knees and grabbed him gently. I put his head on my knee. "Kenneth Phelps you're under arrest!" I heard one of them on the radio. "We need an ambulance. Quickly!" Larry was next to me. Everything was happening so fast. I kept pressure on Travis' head. It was about a minute later and I heard sirens. Ambulance sirens. Parametrics quickly rushed in with a stretcher. One gently picked up Travis and put him on the stretcher then they quickly walked out. I didn't realize I was shaking and crying. Larry grabbed me by the shoulders making me jump. "Sal! It's going to be okay! It's just a cut. It's not severe. The officers said he'll be okay. It was just the contact with the floor that made him so dizzy." I slowly nod. Larry and ash hug me. "It's going to be okay sal." I hug them back. "It better be."

We were waiting in the waiting room and Mrs. Phelps was there too. She hasn't said much. She's just been staring outside. She hasn't cried or anything. She looks dull. Empty. A doctor walks up to us. "Are you.. Visitors for Travis Phelps?" We nod. He looks over at Mrs. Phelps too. She didn't even look like she was listening. He looks back over to us. "He's awake and okay. He's asking for you. Sal." He points at me with his pen. I nod. "Room ..." I get up and nod again. "Thank you." He gently smiles and walks over to Mrs. Phelps. I walk into Travis' room and there he was. "Hey.." He gently smiles. I quickly walk over to him and grab his hand. "You're okay right!?" He slightly giggles. "You're asking me who has a small injury and your face is all messed up?" I slightly smile. "Yeah.. You're more important!" He rolls his eyes. "It's just a small injury sal. I'm fine." I sigh and nod. "Thank you.. For calling the police on him." I nod. "Anything for you. To protect you." Travis smiles. "I now know you will never leave me. Thank you Sal."


So yeah. That's it. I might make one of those like small wattpads of like a summary thing? I don't know what they're called. I'm going to take a break on writing for a while since I worked on a 40 part salvis for only 4 days and then this one right after it. I hope you enjoyed this one and if you want, check out my other salvis. If you have any other ideas for me to write let me know! I usually only write salvis but if you want something different go ahead and tell me. I like feedback and opinions. Anyways, I hope this was good and sorry I put it on hold a while ago to work on another one. But I promise you all that I will never just discontinue something because it makes me mad and I know it would probably make you all mad too. So I hope this was good and have a good day lovelys. -Dakota<3

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