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I wish I was still with sal.

It was Sunday. I had to go to church with father.. Great. I don't even want to get up. I was bruised all over. I got up and grabbed church clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. I look horrible. I hopped in the shower and started the water.

(Sal POV)

I wanted to see him. I wanted to protect him. I know he has church today so I decided to go. With Larry. We both had to look semi presentable so I found some black jeans and a white button up shirt. I put my hair half up and half down and got dressed. Larry was waiting in the livingroom wearing a hoodie and jeans. At least he tried I guess. I chuckled at myself. I walked out of my room ready to go. "You ready baby blue?" That's a new nickname that ash came up with so Larry has been mocking her ever since. "Shut up larbear. But yes." He laughed and elbowed me. We left and took Lisa's car and left.

This will be fun.

(Travis POV)

Everyone was there already and I sat down in the front row. I heard the doors open and got up and walked to greet them. Then I saw the bluenette. "Fisher?! Johnson?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Larry just looked at sal then smirked at me. I just walked them to empty seats and walked to the front. They missed like half of the preach. I giggled. (I know nothing about church. Have mercy 🙏)

(After church)

I got up and saw sal and larry outside so I walked to them. "Hey. Why did you idiots even decide to come?" Sal looked at me. "To make sure you were okay." He smiled at me and I could tell because of his eyes. God.. He's so perfect. My father walked up behind me and gripped my shoulder. Making me flinch.

(Sal POV)

I saw Travis flinch as his father gripped his shoulder. It made me mad. "Hello Mr. Phelps." Me and Larry just glared at him. "Hello boys!" He smiled at us acting like he's such an angel. Fucker. "Well Travis, see you at school tomorrow?" I could tell Travis didn't want us to leave. But me and lar had to. "Y-yeah.." He faked a smile. Me and lar walked off.

I wish I could just take him.

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