3. Yellow it is

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The Evans family stepped into the Flagship pub. The pub that was neither Evans or Barnes jurisdiction, a no man's land. It was eerily quiet, tense, the air thick with an unsaid anger and mourning. The place full with Barnes family members with venom in their eyes.

"Mr Evans" Richard Barnes held out his hand
"Mr Barnes" Jacob shook it firmly "you wanted to see me on neutral ground?"
"Let's cut the pretence. You stepped on my bridge, boy"
"I saw the young lass in trouble. I have sisters of my own. I wasn't going to turn a blind eye even if it was on your turf" Jocab snuffed angrily "I did not know she was your daughter and even if I did it would not make a difference. I still would have done what I did."
"I want descriptions of these vermin. I want your version events."
"Perhaps we should save the little ladies dignity and do this in private." Jacob looked across at the girl he'd met yesterday "up to you of course. She's your daughter."

The two men disappeared out back, returning thirty minutes later. Jacob gave his family a nod to say all was as should be.
"My son was found dead on your bridge, he'd been spotted on your turf" Richard Barnes lit a cigarette offering one to jacob. "He had no business being there."
"That he didn't"
"Can you see yourself to letting it slide?"
"Considering the circumstances....I think we could do that. What business did he have? Do you know?"
"Family business" Richard shut the conversation down "a private matter that's being dealt with on my side. You don't need to worry yourself over it. It's done with. You'll have no more of my family or men stepping onto your turf to deal with the matter. You have my word."

"Good." Jacob nodded looking at Yvonne again, Richard following his line of sight "you alright little miss? Not too shaken up?"
"She's fine." Richard barked "stupid girl went looking for her even dafter brother. She won't be doing it again."
"Glad to hear it because if I hadn't have been walking by or had been any later...."
"Thank you, she's my youngest, not sure we'd be having this same cordial conversation if she weren't. You know dad's and their little girls." Richard offered his hand, Jacob shaking it "I owe you a debt. How would you like it repaid?"
"No need" Jacob shook his head "as long as the wee lass is alright. That is all that matters. I'd hope one of your boys would do the same for my sisters."
"I highly doubt it" Richard laughed "they'd be in trouble if they did."

"you going soft on us Jacob?"
"Hardly. When you catch up to those men, you'll see I didn't take it easy on them. I hope I didn't shock the little one"
"She's seen far worse. Don't let her innocent appearance fool you. She might be a daddy's girl, but she's a Barnes born and bred. So my debt? I don't like owing favours especially to an Evans. This changes nothing between us."
"Very well" Jacob smirked, not quite believing the turn of events, going from believing he would hang to gaining a favour from his rival. "I want your pretty wee daddy's girl to accompany me to the boxing on Friday night."
"She's sixteen"
"I'll escort her home personally. If you'll grant a truce for the evening I'll even collect her and walk her to your front door at the end of the night." he smirked harder
"She's sixteen! Even if she weren't she'd be off limits to you! She's Barnes blood!"
"She's my new lucky charm. I got a large bet on the match. She'll be returned untouched. On my honour."
"Yvonne?" Richard asked, she nodded silently "very well. You know where we are. Pick her up and return her to the front door." He got up leaving, his family following him.

That night Jacob went to supervise the boat transporting his stolen whisky, intrigued on who his stow away passenger was, he jumped aboard the boat, lifting the hatch looking down at a young lad sat looking terrified.
"Well well well. Another Barnes. I vaguely recognise the face. No harm will come to you.....you what Gabriel was over here looking for?"
"Evie said...."
"What's the deal with little miss Barnes?"
"Got to move on out, Jake." The captain jumped aboard "alright lad?" he tipped his hat "stay below deck"
"Safe journeys" Jacob closed the hatch "you know anything?" He asked the captain
"Didn't see nothing so can't say nothing"
"Good lad sonny" Jacob laughed slapping his back "here, a little extra for your troubles"

Jacob sat on the dock watching the boat pull away, catching sight of Yvonne doing the same across the way. He got up waking to the bridge, smiling to himself when she did the same, meeting him half way. Both standing either side of the line that separated the shared bridge.
"All went as planned" Jacob nodded
"Thank you"
"I vaguely recognise him, he's a Barnes too?" He asked puffing out smoke from a cigarette
"One of my brothers."
"He'll go looking for him if he's double crossed him somehow."
"No, he won't. He thinks he's dead. Gabriel found out otherwise and came looking for him."
"You were hiding him on my turf I take it?"
"I was."
"Wanna tell me why?"
"Family business"
"Aye Family buissness" he nodded "you're clued up for a sixteen year old lass. You pulled off that little stunt right under my nose and I don't usually miss a thing that goes on around here. Two Barnes siblings on my turf, without me knowing, I'm impressed and intrigued."

"So boxing?" She changed the subject
"Boxing" he nodded "wear something fancy. Something....yellow. Yellows my lucky colour"
"Yellow it is." She nodded "Goodnight sir"
"Goodnight little miss. You alright getting home alone?"
"Gonna walk me there are you, Mr Evans?" She smirked taking a sarcastic step back, gesturing her hand obviously at the wonkily painted line "you'd think they'd paint it straight at least."
"Aye it is an annoyance of mine also." He smirked taking a giant step, crossing the painted line "it would be ungentlemanly of me to see you walk home in the dark alone. Especially considering recent events."
"I have a car waiting out of sight. I can drive myself most of the way then walk it unseen. I have a back way in and out of the Barnes estate. They don't even know I'm not there. They never do." She reassured.

"You sure you're sixteen?"
"Very, only just at that. So don't get any ideas."
"No ill intentions little miss.....your father give you the bruised cheek you're hiding under that rouge? It is not from the other night, it's new." He held her face in his palm inspecting it "this for breaking rules, getting in to trouble or for speaking up about me and saving me from the noose? Take it he ain't happy he owes me a favour." He ran his knuckles over the finger marks on her neck.
"Goodnight, mr Evans" she ignored his question
"Goodnight, Miss Barnes. Stay out of trouble now....Evie." He smirked
"Same to you....Jacob." She smirked back.

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