36. I need you

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Jacob lay Yvonne's limp body gently onto his bed, fussing over her.
"Jacob darling" Edna tried to make him see sense "she needs a hospital." She kissed the back of his head
"He'll find her there. Pack up." He demanded, looking back at his family peering in "now! We're leaving!"
"Evans don't run" Harrison pointed out
"Look at her" Jacob growled into his brothers face "we pack up. We go to that manor out in the countryside that we took last week from that little snitch in Sullivan's pocket. Once she and the kids are safe, then we find him and when we do I will make him suffer pain like he never imagined possible. By the time I'm done with him, He's gonna be pleading for me to kill him."

"Now you're talking" Harrison nodded
"Bring Doris!" Jacob called to his youngest brother "don't be a fool, Harry. That girl loves you. Don't waste time on whores and easy women when you've got a ruddy diamond. Learn from my mistakes brother. I'd give anything for more time with my diamond. You know you love her so go fucking tell her already. Screw her fathers disapproval. You're a god damn bloody Evans. You don't need his damn approval, you need mine and you've got it. So go get her. Don't take no for an answer, you tell her dad to let her come with you or he'll answer to me personally. Let him dare tell you no then. I'm telling you now that she'll come with you, Harry, all you got to do ask the girl and stop being stupid."
Harrison, blushed crimson, letting out a small laugh before nodding in agreement.

"Now, my little darling" Jacob returned to Yvonne "you're gonna be just fine. You hear me."
"Jacob she needs a doctor!" Edna protested
"Then I'll get one. Just pack up! Quickly! Everybody out! Now!" He demanded waiting for the door to shut "oh my little Evie" he peeled back her nightgown to see the state she was in "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He kissed her forehead lightly "our girls here, Evie. She's safe. She wants her ma. Don't leave me, little darling. I need more time. Our little Angel needs you. Betty needs you. I need you." He knelt with his hand on her hair rubbing it gently "little darling? Wake up. Please. Open your eyes, Evie. Yvonne open your eyes!"

"Jacob" Trudy knocked on the door "you want me to pack you up?" She asked softly, receiving a nod, Jacob's eyes fixed on Yvonne, gently stroking her hair still. "Would you like a nightgown and robe for her?" She continued to keep her voice soft.
"She knows how I feel about the granny frills" Jacob softly chuckled at the hospital issued gown, fiddling with a frill "I will get you all fresh clothes, my little darling, it is a promise. Clothes worthy of the high class lady you are. No expense spared for my girl. You ain't wearing granny frills, you hear me, I'm banning them."
"Here....would you like me to help you Jacob? I'm not sure I can manage alone, I can call Edna and Judith up?"
"No. No I'll do it. Save her modesty. It's the least I can do. She ain't got nothing I ain't seen before. Hand me one of my shirts." He held out his hand "let's get this off you eh?" He contemplated, wondering how the hell they got it on her in the first place. He opened a draw taking out scissors, cutting the fabric.
"Jacob" Trudy took the scissors from his trembling hand, gently placing them down "she will be fine. She is strong. She's a Barnes."
"She's an Evans" Jacob corrected, fighting back his tears. "At least you will be. As good as, eh little darling. I'll hold her, you put her arms through, go slow and gentle."

Jacob sat in a chair next to his bed, waiting for the family to be ready, only breaking his gaze from Yvonne when his daughters screams and cries came closer.
"I've tried everything. Sorry" Danny opened the door "you wanna try? Maybe being near her ma might help" he handed Jacob the baby
"Look your ma is here" Jacob showed her "I am going to take very good care of you both. She hates me." Jacob screwed his face up, struggling to hold his daughter as she pushed away from him
"She don't know you. She has been surrounded by men that do, well this" Danny pointed at Yvonne "what did the file say, Jacob?"
"On the side. Once the doctor's seen it I will burn the damn thing." He spoke angrily, nodding at the file on the side "I feel so helpless, Danny. When she wakes up. What on Earth do I say to her."
"That it does not make a difference to how you see her. How you feel about her. That you love her." He flipped the pages of the file, his eyes widening in horror of the details within it.

"Maggie" Yvonne stirred, Jacob scrambling over
"Yvonne? Evie? It's Jacob. I'm here. I have our girl. Maggie is here. You are both safe. Evie?"
"Jacob?" She wearily smiled with her swollen eyes still shut
"I'm here. I love you" he kissed her head tearfully "yes it's mama" he smiled at the baby "she recognises your voice, my little darling. It is hard to see you under all this but you will heal. Rest. It's alright. You are safe now."
"Betty" Yvonne groaned out
"She is safe, thanks to you"
"Jakey?" betty asked sadly from the door
"Betty, No! don't come in here. Evie is resting." He darted up to stop her, blocking her view.
"Is she gonna a die?"
"No" Danny scooped her up "look" he carried her in ignoring his brothers protests "someone hurt her, badly. But she will be fine. She is strong. We need to look after her and help Jacob look after little Maggie until Evie is well enough to do it herself."

"Jakey?" Betty asked timidly
"What is it Betty?"
"Is you sending me away now? Now you got Maggie? Like Rachel said?"
"No" he kissed her head "never. I just need to be with Evie for a while. Until she's better. So I need you to be brave and do as Trudy says. We will go stay somewhere quiet. So Evie can rest and recover. You must be very gentle with her. I love you no less. You and Maggie are both my girls."
Betty wiggled down from her brothers arms going over to Evie, gently stroking her hand with her fingers "Jakey?"
"Will she be pretty again?"
"Yes" he chuckled "bruises will fade. Broken bones mend. Wounds heal. She is still our Evie, even if she currently does not look like it."
"She is bleeding" Betty pointed at Yvonne's legs
"Come on. Come help me with Madame fussy, you're practically her big sister, her only Aunt by blood, it is an important role, Betty." Danny swiftly took Betty by the hand leading her out taking Maggie.
"Let's clean you up, little darling. It's only me. Keep these stitches clean, eh." Jacob's tears fell silently. "I'll get you something for the pain. Evie?" He asked seeing she had lost consciousness again "everything is going to be fine, little darling. I promise you."

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