44. You're stuck with me

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A weekend away at a hotel with his now wife saw Jacob in an extremely good mood, even more so when they returned to be greeted with the newest member of the family, Elliot Evans, Harrison and Doris' first child. Yvonne watched Jacob proudly fussing over his nephew, with a wave of guilt and sadness washing over her, like it did when she saw him with any baby. She slipped away from the family, taking their case up to their room, leaving Jacob to celebrate and banter with his brothers.

"Little Darling?" Jacob spoke softly so not to startle his wife "what you doing? That can wait. We have celebrating to do. Come meet the newest member of the family." He walked over stopping her hands unpacking "are these tear stains?" He rubbed her cheeks softly "what's wrong? You are sad you missed Elliot's arrival? It is only by not even two whole days. We were lucky she didn't pop at the wedding, eh? Apparently her waters broke an hour after we left." He tried to jest "Evie?" He asked, holding her close when she burst into tears. "Oh Evie, my little darling. It's alright."
"I never saw you hold her when she was that small" she wept into his chest "you missed so much. I'm sorry, Jacob. I'm so sorry."
"We have been over this. I hold no resentment over it, not towards you. No matter when I first met her she is my girl. Our girl. I love her more than anything. If we get the chance again or not I am happy and content, Evie. What will be will be. Doc wasn't very hopeful, if it don't happen then we got the girls. We got Lenard and little Paul as well now." He jested making her smile

"that boy will need an aunt in his life to act as a mother and Lenard already asked if I was alright with him going to you, I gave him my blessing. Do not listen to idol gossipers. I trust you both and know nothing is going on between you and nothing ever will. I'm so proud of you for holding him when he weeps for her, pushing past your fear to do so, it's still only me and him you'll let touch you, Evie. You are so strong, I am in awe of you every day. We knew going into this people would have preconceptions about a Barnes lass. I think he'll be with us a while, so do not let them get to you."
"I will try. I will never be fully accepted this side of the river, we knew that from the start" she joked awkwardly
"You are accepted in this family and that is all that matters to me.....if you had kept him, I would have accepted him and tried my best but I believe you made the right decision, little darling. You went about it the wrong way but the choice was the right one. Do not carry guilt over it. Promise me. I swear I am just happy to have my girls back in my arms where they belong."
"Yes, me too. To be in your arms...to be...close to you again. I thought at one time...after the first time we tried and it went terribly that I would never...."

"Shush now. I love you. It will take time. I know and understand that. We had a good weekend did we not? A very good wedding night, I think the champagne helped a little." He teased making her blush. "I take no offence when they slip in your mind. One day without you even realising it they will be gone, there will be no more nightmares, no more pushing me away, no more....no more seeing them when you are with me. I promise you that day will come and until then I am by your side, walking the difficult path to recovery with you. Like you were with me and in many ways still are. I know what it's like to wake in a cold sweat, panting with fear, our demons are different yet the fear is the same, the sadness. You let Lenard touch you, beyond a simple touch, it is progress, I will not have you believe that you are not making good progress in your recovery because you are. We are married, Evie, at long last! We're together now. Nothing is going to separate us again. I promise you."
"I like that promise. Just for the record you do not need to ask on Lenard and Paul, as long as they need us, doesn't matter how long or if forever. Do not fear me kicking up a fuss. I like having family around, I miss my brother still, having Lenard her is like having a brother again. I know full well it's been over a year yet you still like to have at least one family member near myself and Maggie. I love you for it. It is not smothering me or displaying mistrust. You need to not listen to the gossipers either." She laughed with him, exchanging a tender kiss.

"It sounds as if we have a visitor that I am not sure your brothers sound best pleased about." Yvonne looked worredly at the door, the children piling in and running over to her.
"They sent the children up, that's never a good sign. Stay in here."
"Take Paul for me" Lenard appeared "come Doris, it's alright, stay in here with the children and Evie." He waved her in.
"I can go in your room Lenard if...." Doris looked worriedly at Yvonne having noticed the look on her face when they'd stepped into the house, noticing her slip away upset. Knowing the larger she became when expecting the more awkward it was, the more pain she could see in her sister in laws eyes that she tried so hard to hide.
"It's me, not you. Maggie and well...our situation. Please, do not take it to heart, she was the same with Paul, still is when I hold him. It is more me than the baby, if that makes sense." Jacob whispered "she is very happy for you and Harry."

"I thought as much. Maybe tell Harry, he's a little upset that we may have upset her, been unfeeling."
"Of course you haven't. I will speak with him. She may not hold him, do not offer unless she asks. She only held Paul because of the situation. Again it was seeing me hold him that upset her. She never saw me hold Maggie. I never saw her pregnant. I wasn't there when she was born. I missed her first smile, her first word, so many firsts. She'd love more of our own, so we can have what we missed out on but...I doubt it will happen. With her assault and then....what happened. Please, do not get upset, you are fine honestly."
"No safer place than in a house full to the brim with Evans boys." Yvonne approached offering reassurance, giving Jacob and Lenard a nod "I've got them. Come Doris, take it easy now, Maggie let Doris have the soft chair sweetheart. A mother knows the need for one so soon after bringing a life into this world." She joked with Doris.
"You armed Evie?" Lenard asked
"Don't ask my wife stupid questions you fool" Jacob tapped his brothers head, rolling his eyes. "She has better hiding places for her weapons than I do!" He tutted

"Is she alright, Jake? She looked upset." Lenard whispered worriedly
"We will talk later on it, she is fine." He whispered back, giving Yvonne a reassuring sad smile, worrying over like he always did. "Whose here brother? trouble?" Jacob asked, adjusting his gun to be more out of sight.
"Think so." Lenard nodded "don't loose your cool. Let's see what he has to say for himself first. Evie, I'll send the girls up. They were just gathering a distraction or two for the little ones."
"Should I be concerned? Is it to do with.......him? Or is it Barnes business? Is it Jake and I's wedding causing a wave to form? Perhaps I can...."
"Stay here." Jacob swiftly returned holding her head to his "I mean it, Evie, you got me to look after you now. I ain't sending you into hell fire if it can be avoided, so just stay up here unless I call for you. I'll find out what's going on. You're safe. Say it. Evie, say it!" He held her head firmer, feeling her body begin to tremble as it often still did.
"I'm safe now, the girls are safe, he's gone and he can't hurt us any more. Jacob will protect us and will always come back for us, he will always find us."
"What are you Evie?"
"I'm an Evans, I'm Jacob's girl. I love you, Jacob. Be careful. Don't take risks, I can't loose you again. I can't do this without you."
"I ain't going nowhere,e you're stuck with me, I love you, Yvonne Evans. My beautiful wife. I got you now. Good girl. Look Trudy is here. You're safe, I promise you."
"I've got her, Jake." Trudy patted his back

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