15. They know who you are to me

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Jacob stood with his hand on the doorknob of his office taking one last deep breath "I got this, Danny. Thank you." He stepped into the room. Danny stood up patting his brothers shoulder, looking back at Yvonne seeing something he hadn't before, simply a young scared woman, not a Barnes, her tough Barnes armour had gone completely revealing the vulnerable damaged petrified young woman underneath. "She said anything?" Jacob shifted around nervously
"Nought. She's shaken up, Jacob. She ain't used to it. He was more than a little rough handed. She needs cleaning up, weren't my place to do, brother. You should have left Bea to us you know that right? She ain't stupid, she knew by the look on your face you'd been there in the past. She could hear you comforting her. She flinched away from me, Jake. Whatever she is to you....you screwed up."
"Yeah I know. Go. It's fine." Jacob closed his office door, locking it.

"Hey little darling." He spoke softly, disheartened when she flinched away from him "I'm sorry. Don't mean nothing, Evie. I promise you. She means nothing to me."
"Couldn't have chosen one you haven't been with." She whispered out taking her glass to her lips as it trembled violently in her hand "or you been with them all?"
"Evie, I was honest with you. You ain't gonna to be my first, little darling, not by a country mile, you knew that. I'm sorry. I swear to you I wouldn't have taken up her offer, with or without payment, with or without you here. Only one I want is you, Yvonne. I ain't looking at anyone but you. Yes I've paid for her services, before you came back, not since, from her or anyone. She's no ex lover, she's a doxy, I have no feelings for her nor have I ever. She serviced a need of a damaged man closed off to women until you came along. Look at me, I wasn't thinking. That's all. Don't mean nothing, Evie."
"Maybe not to you." She mumbled crestfallen, tears falling from her eyes

"after I told you what I did the other night...you still go to comfort a whore before me, Jacob. Knowing my mind would go to my past. You still care more about comforting a woman that can and has serviced your needs over me."
"Oh my little, Evie. No. I....I wanted to get rid of her, quickly, so I could check on you. Properly. I can't do that with her here. It's bad enough with my brothers. I still haven't confirmed nought, but they know who you are to me, Evie. I can't comfort or touch a Barnes in front of witnesses!"
"A Barnes" she nodded, wiping her tears away "is that all I am to you? A Barnes?"
"No! Don't do this, Evie. You're upset, you have a right to be upset but don't push me away. Not over a stupid whore that serviced a need sometime ago and I have not thought of since. She was the closest match, nothing more. Even then it was a long shot, you're a short little thing with curvy backside, she was all I could find. That's it. No more than that. Please don't think about it. Look at me, don't think about them. Only think of you and me. Please?" He begged softly "only one I want is you and she will never have what I intend to give you, little miss Evie. None of them will. None of them have. It's not the same. When you love someone, when they're your girl, it's not the same. I love you. I swear I ain't interested and you can trust me to be loyal to you. They're in the past and that's where they'll be staying."

She nodded unconvincingly "good girl." He kissed her forehead "now, let's get you cleaned up. Do you want to come back to my place? Take a bath? Evie? Look at me please, stop avoiding my eyes. How far he get? I'm sorry my little darling, I couldn't watch. I would have strangled him if I'd watched any longer. Bad enough hearing it, seeing what I did."
"Don't worry I'm still in tact for you" she quipped annoyed
"Not asking for me, little miss" he rubbed her bruised cheek "fucking bastard. They're all the same that type. Rough handed." He inspected her bruised thigh with a bite mark that had broken the skin, blood trickling from the wound, he sighed holding her gently "come on I got you" he adjusted his jacket to cover her more, doing up a button "did you tell them our plan?"
"Yes. I told him it was your idea and you had sent word. I told him you said that because of the Gabriel mess you felt an obligation. He was impressed. He wouldn't do the same for an Evans." she laughed through her tears

"What times he expecting you back?"
"You have safe passage in and out, regardless of time, On his word. He knows these things can over run and take unusual turns, once had a deal go on well into the early hours. I was only eight, I fell asleep in the end." She chuckled sadly "if I don't show up tonight he won't come looking until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."
"Then we have plenty of time, let's get you cleaned up before I drive you back. I'll call Rachel over to help if you like. If you don't want me to help you. Get you some fresh clothes....just take um off, little darling." He turned his face away holding his hand out for her ripped underwear she was trying to keep up while attempting to keep her torn dress covering her legs as she walked, he took them stuffing them in his pocket.

Jacob carried her to his car, driving the short way to his home, sending Lenard to fetch his sister. Danny's wife running out, having been clued into the nights events in advance, seeing Jacob carrying a girl into his house, she thought the worst. Jacob left the women to it after subtly offering his services one last time, whispering in Yvonne's ear, lingering by the door, being shooed out by his sister. He sat silently with his brothers, his knee bobbing furiously, chain smoking his way through his packet of cigarettes until his sister finally emerged. Jacob standing to his feet, straightening himself out, trying to compose himself.

"How is she?" He cleared his throat, fidgeting, still unable to stand still, an anxious energy coursing through his veins. "She want to see me?" He asked running his fingers through his hair nervously, trying to look less disheveled, like he hadn't just been sat tugging angrily at the roots while waiting.
"You're playing with fire and you're gonna get burnt. Taking us all down with you, you're gonna burn this house of cards down, Jacob"
"Just tell me if she's alright! If she needs a damn doc or not! I can't return her to Barnes in a state can I! He'll want retribution for not protecting her!"
"She's fine and my father won't give a damn unless one of you were the cause." A damp haired Yvonne descended the stairs looking composed, wearing fresh more conservative looking clothes and a pair of slippers "thank you for your hospitality. We can leave when you are ready, mr Evans. You do not need worry over retribution. My father is fully aware of the task he set me, he will not care of consequences, as long as the deal was made which it was, surpassing his minimal requirements." she picked up her coat, wincing as she put it on, Jacob stepping forward to help her "I have it...thank you." She picked up her purse checking her gun was still loaded and her pocket knife was in her coat pocket.

"You don't need them here...we got time, Yvonne, you don't got to leave yet. We need to debrief the nights events. You're still shaken up, let us calm you down before I take you back. Get you a strong cuppa or a stronger drink....Yvonne, no, wait!" He flustered stopping her retreat "What did you say to her, Rach!"
"Mr Evans" Yvonne stated firmly "take me home please. Now. As agreed. This was not part of the agreement, details of the deal are not yours to be privy to. I shouldn't be here. Drive me home as agreed."
"I'm not your damn chauffeur! I'll take you home when I damn well please and not before! I don't take bloody orders from a Barnes! So sit down, let me make sure you're alright. Danny put the kettle on. We'll have tea first. I said sit the fuck down, Yvonne! Now! When Jacob Evans tells you to sit down, you sit the fuck down! This is an Evans house not a Barnes mansion so do as I fucking well say and SIT DOWN! I don't take orders especially not from bloody Barnes bitches!" He snapped getting worked up
"Jake, brother, calm down." Danny warned, knowing his brother was on the brink of loosing control. Something he'd seen many a time since their return from war.

"Very well, I will walk" Yvonne retaliated calmly, unaffected by Jacob's aggressive tone, heading towards the door
"I'm sorry, I don't mean it. I'm sorry." He placed his hand on the door stopping it from opening. "Please, we don't got to leave yet. You said yourself there ain't no time restraints tonight. Let me make sure you're alright, Please." He softened "it's the least I can do."
"Barnes whores aren't welcome in this house." Yvonne looked back at Rachel "if I wanted to stay somewhere I wasn't welcome, I'd stay at home. I've outstayed my welcome. I thank you and your brothers for your services as well as your kindness tonight, you went beyond what was agreed, so thank you. Your payment will be delivered to the docks, look out for it."

"I'm sorry. you ain't no bitch, I'm sorry I yelled, I'm just worked up."
"Goodnight, Mr Evans." She went to open the door
"You and me are having words when I get back, Rach! Come on Yvonne, we'll take a slow drive back. Calm you down that way."
"I don't think she's the one that needs to calm down" Danny pointed out "Goodnight, Miss Barnes. Jake, keep your head, brother. Don't scare her any more than she already is. I'm know, brother, but keep your head. Jake! You good?" He whispered in Jacob's ear. Jacob giving him a subtle nod, slamming the front door, fuming angry still.

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