22. You can't improve on perfection

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Jacob laid in the spacious luxurious hotel bed, thinking how he could get used to this lavish lifestyle that was a far cry from the slums he was born into and was still fighting to stay out of. He watched Yvonne as she brushed her hair out in front of the large gold rimmed mirror. Never in a million years would he believe he would be marrying a girl of class let alone a Barnes. He never thought he'd settle down at all, nor did anyone else.

"You look beautiful, Yvonne" he cooed from the bed
"You're biased"
"come to bed, you don't require any more preening. You can't improve on perfection"
"Stop it you flirt" she crawled into the bed, pecking his lips.
"I think I prefer you sleeping in my shirts" he teased fiddling with her nightgown. "My Gran had one like this" he joked playing with a frill.
"We are to travel on a boat for many weeks. With your sister in with us. I have to look respectable."
"Betty's seen a lass in man's shirt before, boys have enough stay over, she don't care. Besides, We're not on the boat yet." He pulled her face to kiss her hungrily "my beautiful little darling." He kissed the engagement ring he'd officially given her when she said yes on a walk in a near by park, two days previously. "Future Mrs Evans. I still can't believe you said yes."
"I still can't believe you thought I'd say no!"

"You have the fake papers to travel on?" She fussed as he kissed her neck seductively
"You asked me that yesterday, and the day before" he giggled into her neck "I will give you the same answer, yes. I have the fake papers, I have the tickets, first class, no expense spared for my girl. Stop worrying. I will miss this, as much as I am pleased you offered for Betty to join us, I was also looking forward to being locked inside a cabin with you for a month. Granny's nightgowns was not what I had in mind" he laughed into her neck.
"In that case" she laughed, grabbing his tie from the chair, tying it around his eyes "no peeking, mr Evans"

"Evie? My little darling? Where have you gone?" He called out after five minutes, going to take the blindfold off
"Uh uh mr Evans, no peeking, my handsome devil." She scolded making him chuckle, he waited until he felt her hands skim teasingly down his arms, making the hairs on his skin tingle and stand on edge. He felt her lips touch his lightly, her smile against them, kissing her back.
"My little miss Evie, what are you up to?"
"Come, they are playing the music downstairs again, dance with me" she pulled him up, guiding him along, swaying to the distant hum of music playing. He felt down her arms to her body to locate her waist.
"This is not the grannies nightgown" he smirked feeling soft silk between his fingers. He placed his palms on her body feeling it softly, exploring ever curve of her body over the silky fabric, spinning her around, pinning her back onto his chest, swaying them back and forth, kissing down her jawline and neck. "Tell me to stop when you want me to, Mrs Evans" he whispered moving his hand under her silk nightdress, slipping it into her underwear.

"Good girl" he whispered in her ear. Finding her mouth to kiss her.
"No" she gripped his hand
He reached up to pull the tie off his eyes so he could see her. "It's alright, Evie. Sorry" he massaged his palm on her stomach "I got carried away."
"No. I..." she blushed, hiding her face into his chest "I want you to be the first......."
"How do you mean? Who else is going to pleasure you by...."
"No" she laughed turning around, she blushed as red as a postbox, gulping nervously, lifting her nightgown over her head, dropping it to the floor

"Jacob?" She asked grabbing his attention
"Hmmm? What?" He asked distracted, attempting to tear his eyes from her body.
"I want to be with you, my handsome Devil. My Jacob. I want you to make me a real woman."
"I see....well for starters you are real woman, sleeping with a man don't make you into a real woman, you do that on your own, you came back to me a real woman, wouldn't be doing this if you weren't already a women, Evie.......my little darling.......are you sure?"
She held up her sparkling jewel on her finger, nodding at him with a sweet innocent smile.

"Alright then. Let's enjoy our last night of privacy for a while...but, let me ease you into it, my little Evie. Loosen you up a little. I want you to enjoy this and remember it for the right reasons. Understand? We can take our time, little darling, there is no rush. Remember? I promised to take care of you when the time came. Trust me. Do you trust me?"
"I do"
"Good girl. I will be as gentle as I can be. You tell me if it hurts too much and I will slow down. We can stop at any time, you just need to tell me."
"Jacob stop talking" she pulled him back towards the bed "I'm marrying my handsome devil. If I wanted gentle I'd have kept Winston's ring and be eloping with him, not you. Although I'm sure he had a dark side I hadn't seen. There had to be a reason for my father granting his blessing so easily. I'm not an innocent little girl, Jacob! So stop treating me like one and....just love me." She laughed at the tickles she was receiving "hmmm my handsome devil, I want you, just you, as you are. Don't go trying to be something you're not, I love my handsome Devil, now are you taking charge or do I need to?"
"My ballsy girl." He crashed his mouth onto hers, flopping them back into the quilt "I know, but trust me on this." He shimmied her underwear down her legs, removing his own. "I love you"
"I love you more"
"Impossible, little darling"

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