XII The Talk

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Hello again dear readers! I'd like to thank all of you for reading my book! And @MoiraJust thank you for being my first voter! I am thankful for all of you, and I hope you all enjoy my writing.  You ask, and you shall receive.
Credits to Kazuya Yamashita.

Lucifer sat on his desk, piled with papers. He was tired, tired of Simeon. Why does Simeon want to hang out with Mammon? He's a demon. Angels and demons despise each other. If anything, Lucifer should know.

Lucifer wanted to talk to Mammon. About everything. Mammon deserves to know. He is the second oldest after all. "I must distract myself." Lucifer thought. "I'll just finish this paperwork. That will do."

The more Lucifer thinks about Mammon the more frustrated he gets. He stopped writing, noticing he kept writing "Mammon" on his paperwork.

"AGRRHH" Lucifer yelled out of anger. Why was he experiencing this? His pride was crumbling because of one brother, Mammon.

*knock knock* "Lucifer? Are you okay?" Someone asked from the other side of his bedroom door. He was expecting it was Mammon, no he wanted it to be Mammon.
Instead it was Mc, the human from the exchange program that lives with him and his six other brothers.

If Lucifer were mighty honest, he trusted Mc. Mc made him more prideful when around.

"Yes Mc I'm fine." He responded. "Would you mind coming here if I may ask?"

Lucifer put his pride down for a second and wanted to be polite, not demanding.

"Uh, sure." The human opened the door walked in his room, shut the door then walked to the first-born.

"Do you need anything?" The Mc asked.

"Yes...I would like to talk."

"About what?"

"Mammon." this time Lucifer said demanding.

Mc didn't respond but sat down on his bed, facing Lucifer. "Okay. I understand go ahead and tell me everything."

Everything. Everything is what Lucifer would tell Mc. Every minor detail, to every major feeling.

Lucifer took an inhale and an exhale.

"I believe Mammon, Luke, and Simeon are too close. They've been hanging out a lot and I feel quite...." Lucifer hesitated. "Jealous."

Mc's (eye color) eyes widened, almost like they'd fall out. "Y-you. Jealous?!" The human almost yelled. But realizing the mistake they had made, Mc put a hand over their mouth.

"Yes Mc. My pride is slowly vanishing and I'm feeling horrible every time I see Mammon and Simeon together." Lucifer acknowledged.

"Oh I get it. You are envious." Mc chuckled.

"I don't know what to do.."

"Tell Mammon your feelings about this."

"What?" Lucifer questioned. "Tell him? That would damage my pride badly, Mc."

"Lucifer, listen. If you are feeling jealous it's best to tell Mammon. Right now him and Simeon are both together (excluding Luke) at the casino. The more he hangs out with Simeon the more closer he gets."

"You're right Mc. I will do that." Lucifer concluded.

"Good." Mc got up and started walking towards the door but something grabbed the human's wrist, it was Lucifer. Mc turned their head and looked at Lucifer.

"Thank you." He said.

"No problem Lucifer. And by the way I know what happened at the fair." Mc responded with a wink and a smile.

Lucifer let go of the human's wrist surprised.

Before Lucifer could get to say anything else to Mc, the human was gone.

He didn't really care. Mc had helped him. All he had to do now was tell Mammon.

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