XVI The Witches Grasp

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Mammon was somewhere in the "Human Realm", chained to the farthest wall from the door to enter the room.The room Mammon was in was absolutely disgusting. The whole room was just concrete. Except, there was blood. Dried blood in so many places.

Mammon knew he couldn't scream or shout loud enough for any people to hear. He knew he was in a room full of walls that covered out the sound.

About the sicknesses he had, the witch was able to actually cure him. And he is now fine, but he feels like throwing up again considering the room he is in.

It smelled horrible. Like the smell when you open up your trash can smell. "What does she keep in this room? Dead bodies?" Mammon thought.

It was even more uncomfortable considering how he was chained up. Both of his arms were chained high above his head and his feet were chained behind him. It was like a crouching position, but worse.

Anytime Mammon tried to move his hands forward, his feet would go backwards and hit against the wall. The same for the feet, but switched.

Even though he wasn't sick anymore, he had black circles under his eyes and his knees were bruised. Trying to stand up, ended up slamming him back down.

Mammon was miserable. He couldn't cry though, he was sad but tears wouldn't come out of his eyes.

Would he die here? Would he not get to say goodbye? Would he forever be not able to tell his brothers, the angels, and Mc that he loved them all?

His attention then focused on the situation at hand:
                               The witch.

She locked him up here and he didn't do anything about it. Mammon already tried his best to try and find any weakness in the chains he's locked in.

"She probably put a strong enchanting spell on the chains." He mumbled to himself. "I'll have to think of somethin' else since the chains aren't an option."

Mammon closed his eyes and concentrated. He had to think of a plan and it had to be before it was too late.

Then the door opened. "Oh Mammon dear! I've come to give you some food~" the witch cooed, walking closer to Mammon.

*click click*

Mammon opened his eyes quickly and faced the floor. He didn't want to look at the witch.

*click click*

Her high heels clicked on the concrete floor as she walked. Mammon could only tell she got closer as the clicking got louder.

The clicking stopped and she set something down. Mammon supposed this to be the food tray.

"Oh Mammon, I see you've tried to escape..Now that's not good is it?" She asked Mammon.

With no response form the white-haired demon she asked again. "I said, that's not good is it?"

Mammon restricted himself from yelling at her or even making a noise. He could tell she was getting infuriated.

"Fine then. If that's how it's gonna be then no food or water." The witch picked up the food tray and waited for Mammon to regret his decision.

Still, with no response from him, she slammed the tray down. The food scattered and the water glass broken with the water seeping everywhere.

The witch crouched down and grabbed Mammon chin forcefully. "If you won't talk I'll make you talk." She told him with a angry tone.

Unexpectedly, she harshly kissed Mammon and she wrapped her free arm around his back. When she finally broke away Mammon was speechless. But he still kept his head down.

"I see." The witch spoke while standing up and fixing her hair a bit. "You like that worthless, ugly human, Mc is their name correct?"

Mammon scoffed. "Ya don't know them, and they're more pretty/handsome/beautiful than you'll ever be. In fact they have more worth than anythin' I've ever seen."

The witches clapped her hands and smirked . "Jack pot!"

"Too bad they won't see you ever again."

And with that sentence the witch went out of the room, leaving the spoiled food and spilled water on the floor.

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