XVII Bad Ending

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TW: Mentions of pain, gore, and death. If you don't like these topics I suggest you don't read this ending.

Long Chapter!

The witch soon came back with an old book and a knife. She set both objects down and went right back out of the room to get more things. When she came back, she had tape, liquids in bottles, and a cauldron.

She set the cauldron down and started to pour the liquids in it. Mammon counted the liquids and found five in total.

He supposed the first liquid she poured was water. He couldn't figure out the rest though.

The witch grabbed the old book next to her and opened it. Mammon could see the book more clearly now and he recognized it as a spell book.

Then Mammon realized something that made his blood run cold. It wasn't just any spell book, it was a spell book of painful spells.

Pure torture.

The witch set the book down and grabbed the knife. "Oh my dear Mammon~..I was looking at the syringe but I saw this and took it instead~..No hard feelings~!" She suddenly spoke.

She carefully ran her finger across the blade of the knife, making sure she didn't accidentally cut herself. "If you already hadn't figured it out, I framed you with a bit of "magic" I was waiting for the right time and I finally got it."

"Now if you don't mind, you need some of your blood gone, a few pints will be good."

The witch started to walk closer to Mammon grinning widely.

When she finally reached Mammon she stared at his eyes. His blue eyes were full of fear. What was she gonna do to him?

"You know, we never could've come to this if you hadn't had rejected me. What a shame~!" She caressed his face, still grinning.

"Oh right the cloth!" She recalled as she looked behind her and pulled out a cloth. After getting the cloth, she turned back to Mammon and put it over his mouth, tying it behind his head.

Looking at Mammon the witch gripped on her knife tighter and sighed. "I guess things turn out not how you plan sometimes~..."

The witch slashed on Mammon's left arm over and over, some cuts small, and some big. The witch was enjoying what she was doing and it was horrible.

Mammon had muffled screams thanks to the cloth she had wrapped around his mouth. His eyes were wide and full of pain. Every moment his left arm was having more and more cuts.

The witch kept going until she was satisfied. At this point Mammon had tears in his eyes and was bleeding badly.

A small pool of blood was already formed below Mammon's hand, he didn't dare move.

"Isn't that a pretty sight!" She exclaimed happily. "And perfectly on time!"

The witch turned around and walked to her cauldron. "You see honey.." she spoke while focusing on her cauldron. "This liquid is for when you die."

"When you die I'll pour this liquid on you to completely get rid of your corpse! Cool huh?"

Mammon was deeply wounded and looked at her with a look of "please no more".

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