Chapter 6: Monsters' Fangs, the Blind Man, and a Flowery Knight?!

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Yay, I updated again in three days and its 8K+ almost 9K words! Please enjoy and again its dedicated to the trio: Hell-san, Akari-chan, and Sinichi-kun(Aray-kun).

Multimedia: A drawing of the flowery knight that will appear in this chap that I made.




I winced and groaned as Mahawa used her healing abilities on me, "You're healing me, right? And you're not even touching me then why does it hurt so much?!" I asked as she continued her healing while looking apologetically at me. Chris was also snickering and having the fun of his life watching this. Trisha didn't even care for my pain as she played around with Layla and her mother watching. Polly kept on whispering to me to 'fight on' while Naruda was holding his hurt face with a sympathetic face on. "It hurts because you're nothing but a big crybaby." Warmy said and I so wanted to retort but my stomach and side still hurt very much that I had to bite my lower lip not to scream.

     "Done! You'll feel a bit numb in there, but other than that, you should be able to move just fine!" "Thanks." Mahawa gave me a smile and then looked worried, "Hey Bell, could you let me try to heal your eye again?" I froze at that and covered my right eye with my hand which seemed to catch the interest of the other group members, "Okay, but could you guys look away, I'm not very comfortable showing it." I said looking at my feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the whole world. I took a side look at them, and even though Chris looked like he didn't care, he was obviously curious as well as Polly. Naruda and Trisha seemed to be less curious about it and just looked away nonchalantly.

     "Thanks." I muttered as I took off my eye patch and faced Mahawa. That night, when I tried to look around using my eye, I couldn't see a thing, nothing but a blurry of things. I gulped down the lump in my throat, inhaled and then exhaled. For some reason I was scared of opening my eye. I don't know why, but I didn't feel comfortable doing it. I felt someone touch my shoulder and looked up to see that it was Mahawa smiling at me. I smiled back feeling my strength coming back, and so I opened my silver white eye slowly showing behind my half opened eyelid until it was fully shown.

     I blinked; somehow with my eye opened everything seemed much...brighter, if that's the word? "So how is it Bell?" "I don't know?" I really wasn't sure how I felt about it. It probably hurt last time because it was still a fresh wound. I felt a sting. Nope, it still hurts, though this time instead of everything being blurry, the scenery looked more accurate. Like I can see the whole world much better, I guess. However, the throbbing pain that came from looking around with it kind of made it not worth the pain.

     Mahawa inspected my eye and looked dismayed while shaking her head. Her hand glowed a relaxing blue as she put it over my eye and I instantly felt the pain go away, though now all I saw was a blurry blob again. "I tranquilized it. It seems that you can see better with it, but the stress it causes your brain is bad and for some reason I can't heal it, so until I figure something out don't use it." If Mahawa the best healer of all time says that she can't heal my eye, then there definitely should be something wrong with it. I sighed as I put on my eye patch back, "Aw what a shame, your silver eye was so pretty too~" "Yeah, yeah." I snapped my head towards the voice to see Chris and Polly looking awed while Naruda and Trisha looking guilty and giving me apologetic smiles.

     "Sorry we couldn't stop them, and then both of us ended up looking as well, and know, we kind of kept on staring." I looked dumbfounded at them and then started giggling which later on turned into full out laughter. The others looked at each other and then joined me. "It's okay; I was just a bit self conscious." "Phew, thank God, I thought that you were going to hit us-Ouch!" Naruda winced as Mahawa started healing him, "Honestly, just because you know that you can get healed afterwards doesn't mean that you can let yourselves get beaten up so bad! Just so you know, Mahawa's ability is healing and not reviving. So you can't get back to life if you die, you hear me?!" Warmy said and we all nodded. It's not like we enjoy getting beaten up, it's just that we were taken by surprise. Plus, we're just beginners! Does she expect us to be as good as her?

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