Finale! Epilogue . . .

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Dedicated to Hell-san, Akari-chan, and Sinichi-kun...

Only 1.6K words this time ;p

I don't own the quote in the multimedia.




     Trisha buried her head deeper onto her pillow after she shut her alarm off, covering her head with her blanket, letting peace and quiet ring through her room before, "Trisha reveille tois!" "Aller vite, come on!" Said two voices as they kept on jumping on Trisha totally ruining the beautiful peacetime she had, "Ugh, CUT THAT OUT!" Trisha yelled out as she pushed her two brothers off along with her comfy blanket. "Ouch! Meanie, we were just waking you up!" "Oui, oui! Meanie, meanie!" Her brothers whined on the floor as Trisha sat up on her bed looking at the two disinterestedly.

     "Whatever, just get out, I need to -yawn- change...What day is it again?" George growled at her while Ultrich answered her, "I think it was the fourth of this month..." "Come again?" Trisha asked again as she wiped her eyes trying to stay awake. George then grumbled again before answering, "He said, that it's the 4th of February of 2013, the third day of school, baka!" "What did you just call me?" George looked away at that question, feigning innocence. Trisha rolled her eyes as she ignored her brother. "Just get out! I have to change!" Trisha said as she pushed them out of her room while they resisted, sticking out their tongues.

     After shutting the door on them, Trisha rested her back against it as she thought over the words her brother said earlier, 'The third day of school?' Trisha didn't know exactly why, but that phrase especially rung in her head. After contemplating those words a little longer, she shook her head as started getting herself ready for school.

     "Bon jour, mama!" Trisha said a bit too happy for even her own comprehension as she raced down the stairs, "Salute ma Cherie, bien dormie?" "Yup, I slept really a log....." Trisha replied her mother absent mindedly, staring at her mother's back as she did the dishes. "Hm? Trisha, mon amour, tous va bien la?" Her mother asked worriedly as she noticed the way her daughter was looking at her, a look filled with nostalgia. Trisha swallowed the lump in her throat as she said, "Yes, I'm fine, really." Saying those simple words was harder than she thought as she sat down to eat breakfast.

     "Mama, we're ready!" "Where's our breakfast?" Came the voices of Ultrich and George as they came downstairs in a hurry, "Honestly, both of you. Can't you even greet your mothe- Where's Ronald?" Time seemed to have froze as she said that, "R-Ronald?" Both brothers asked simultaneously, "Yeah, your third twin. Don't tell me you forgot about him, he'll cry." Their mother replied as she giggled at their silly behavior. Trisha then dropped a silver piece of tableware as she turned to face their mother, "Ronald is not here." She stated bluntly with a bit of her shock at how easily those words left her mouth, "What do you mean Trisha dear? I tucked him in last night, like I always d- Ultrich, mon bebe, pourqois tu pleurs?" Their mother said shocked as she looked at her son who suddenly started to cry.

     Trisha looked remorsefully at her brother as he cried his eyes out and even started to cough heavily, even his own twin stared helplessly at him not really knowing what course of action he should take next, "Ultrich s'il te plait, tell me what's wrong? Is it because of the gas from the meteorite?" Their mother said worriedly, the word 'meteorite' serving as a strange switch, causing Trisha to stumble in her chair and fall down to the floor, eyes wide as all sorts of memories rushed through her mind, all having one thing in common: Mega. By now, their mother was seriously freaking out with not even one ounce of idea of what to do. Trisha gulped down whatever was in her throat very slowly as she stood up, dusting herself off, "Ultrich, George, I leave Ronald to you..." She said simply, making Ultrich stop his crying for a while as he looked at his brother with determination in his eyes instead. Trisha ran to the door, without saying another word, as she wore her skates quickly.

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