New Friend?

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Izuku was minding his own business, doodling on an empty sheet of paper in his beloved notebook waiting for the teacher to arrive, when someone poked his shoulder.

"Hey Deku." A voice whispered harshly in his ear. 

Izuku immediately knew who this was. It was Tsubusa, one of Kacchan's loyal followers. He sighed in annoyance, and bent further down over his paper in concentration, effectively angering his classmate. 

"Hey Deku!" Tsubasa whispered slightly louder, poking his shoulder harder with his pencil. "Answer me you quirkless freak!"

Izuku flinched at the harsh wording, and twisted his head to look back at the boy. 

"Please stop that."

"I'll stop once you answer me." Tsubasa spat, poking his shoulder one last time in irritation. 

"Fine." Izuku rolled his eyes. "What do you want?"

"I need a pencil." 

Izuku stared at him with his eyebrows raised in disbelief. " need a pencil?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?" The boy asked, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Uh, but you have one. In fact, you've been poking me with it the last few minutes." Izuku said in annoyance. 

"It's not sharp enough." Tsubasa retorted, glaring at him. 

"Then sharpen it." Izuku deadpanned. 

"Stop asking questions, freak, and give me one already!" Tsuabasa growled, reaching over to snatch Izuku's pencil. 

But before he could grab it, the teacher walked in and clapped his hands to gain attention.

"Settle down, class!" Yamamoto-san said in a loud commanding voice. "We are here to learn, not to mess around."

Izuku sighed in relief when Tsubasa growled in frustration and leaned back in his seat. 

"Today I would like you all to welcome your new classmate." Yamamoto-san announced, straightening his tie. "Shinsou, you can come in now."

Izuku watched, eyes wide with curiosity, as a boy with wild purple hair that seemed to defy gravity walked in looking fidgety and nervous. Maybe his quirk had something to do with air or floating things. 

"This is Shinsou Hitoshi." Yamamoto-san said in a stiff voice. "Would you like to tell the class a little bit about yourself, Shinsou?"

Izuku felt bad for the boy. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else than here. 

"My name is Shinsou Hitoshi and I..." 

"What's your quirk?!" A kid shouted.

Izuku flinched at the sudden noise and winced at the expression on Shinsou's face. He looked...scared almost. The room was dead silent as everyone awaited Shinsou's answer.

"Uh, it's a...brainwashing quirk." Shinsou mumbled out the last part so most of the students including Izuku could not hear.

"Speak up, Shinsou." Yamamoto-san demanded with narrowed eyes.

Izuku flinched at the glare even though it wasn't directed at him. He felt for the boy. He had been on the receiving end of that glares many times.

"It's a brainwashing quirk." Shinsou said, this time loud enough for the whole class to hear.

All was silent until Kacchan broke the silence.

"You got a villains quirk? Why are you here then!? I don't want no villain in the same class as me! He's even worse than worthless Deku!" Bakugo screeched.

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