Touya Investigates

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Touya leaned against the brick wall, tapping his fingers on his thighs anxiously. He hadn't seen or heard from Izuku since three nights ago when he walked him home. He was beginning to get very worried. He assumed that there was something wrong with his home life, but now he was almost certain. He thought about going to his house, but he didn't want his parents to take out their frustration on Izuku if his assumptions were correct. He let out a sigh, and stood up. 

Then an idea struck him. He recalled Izuku mentioning a friend that he had made at school. Some kid with spiky purple hair. He carded his hand through his hair. It was better than nothing. 

He slowly made his way to Izuku's school. He really hoped that this purple kid was around. Thankfully for him, a purple haired kid was just walking around the corner of the school. Touya really hoped this was the right one.

"Hey kid!" Touya ran up to the kid who immediately stumbled back and looked like he was just about to run away. 

"Wait, I just want to talk about Izuku." Touya said quickly, hoping that would keep him from leaving. 

The kid stared at him with distrust. "Izuku? You know Izuku?"

"Yeah, I'm his big bro." Touya explained proudly with a grin. "I haven't seen him in a while and I've been getting worried. So, have you seen him? Is he doing okay?"

"Shouldn't you know?" The kid tilted his head. "If you're really his brother, you should know."

"Well...about that." Touya scratched the back of his head as he began to explain. "I'm not his brother by blood. I kinda just...adopted him as my brother. Does that make sense?"

The purple kid shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose. So, what do you want to know?"

"Have you seen him lately? Is he okay?" Touya asked, concern seeping into his voice.

"Yeah." The kid said simply.

"Yeah?" Touya prompted. "And was he okay? Did you see him today?"

"No and no." 

"He's not okay and you haven't seen him today?" Touya inquired, very much concerned at this point.


Touya glared at the kid. "Can you say anything other than, yeah?" 

"Yeah." The kid smirked, clearly enjoying Touya's frustration.

"Oh you little--"

"I'm really worried about him." The kid said softly, interrupting Touya.

"What happened to him?" 

"He was really hurt when I saw him last." Purple kid said quietly.

"What?! How? When was it that you last saw him?" Touya almost grabbed the kid and shook him in his panic.

"Two days ago." Purple kid nearly whispered. "His...wings they were...really mangled and probably broken."

"Wings?!" Touya was about ready to faint right about now. What did he mean by, wings?! Izuku didn't have wings he knew that for sure. I mean, he was quirkless. Right? "What do you mean by wings?"

"He has a quirk." Purple kid stared at him curiously. "You didn't know?"

"No!" Touya nearly shouted. "So haven't seen him since then?" 

"No." The kid mumbled, staring at the ground like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "His parents hurt him. He told me himself."

"WHAT!" Touya shrieked. 

"Don't shout!" Purple kid hissed.

"His parents...abuse him?" Touya said in shock. " that can't be. Not Izuku. How can you hurt someone as precious as Izu?" 

"His parents apparently." The kid growled.

"I'm going over there and I'm gonna pound them straight through the wall!" Touya seethed. 

"You really shouldn't." Purple kid said. "You don't have any proof that they did anything, and then YOU would be the one in jail."

"I need to do something though!" Touya gripped his hair in frustration. "He's my little brother!"

"I know. I wish I could do something too, but I think you should ask a hero for help." Purple kid suggested, now beginning to walk away. "If you can get him out of this situation...let me know, okay?"

"Sure kid. If only as a thank you for the help." Touya responded. "You're still a brat though."

Purple kid didn't respond. Touya cracked his knuckles. It was time to get to work.


Later that night, Touya stood on top of a rood, leaning against the railing. He waited there for a while until a man appeared, long white scarf billowing in the wind. Eraserhead stared at Touya curiously.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Eraser." Touya greeted. "We need to talk."

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