part 2 (The plan)

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Dabi POV

I was just minding my own business while drinking a beer and thinking about things when I hear toga giggling from behind me as she comes over and sits right next to me.

"Hey big bro, whatcha doing" Toga said.

"Oh nothing just thinking" I Said while taking a sip of my beer.

"Ooh, whatcha thinking about" Toga asked

"Just some stuff" I said with a tired sigh.

"What type of stuff" Toga asked.

"Jesus Christ Toga!" I said

"What!" Toga squealed.

"What's up with you and all these questions!" I said clearly annoyed.

"I don't know! I guess I'm just bored" Toga said

"Well go be bored somewhere else" I said

"But that's even more boring" Toga wiened.

"Toga please now is not the time I have a headache" I said exhausted.

Soon after that me and her started to arguing.

"HEY, knock it off you two" we heard Kurogiri say.

"Fine" I said clearly irritated while heading toward my room. When I got to my room I took some headache pills and layed down. It didn't take me long to drift off into my thoughts. I closed my eyes and started to think about a special someone and for some was.......Keigo. I haven't thought about Keigo in awhile so it made feel uneasy. Why was I thinking about Keigo I mean he was my best friend back in school. God it would be nice to see him again. I smiled as I thought about him more trying to remember what he looked like since it had been a few years since the last time I actually saw him and talked to him in person. I drifted back into my memories trying to find a good memory of me and him together. Then it clicked I finally remembered what he looked like and to be honest he looked really good I mean he really did with his precious locks, his big beautiful eyes, his perfectly cut out body, and the way his face glittered in the sun. I shuddered at the thought of his personality. Goddamn he was hot. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. It was Toga.

"What do you want" I said

"Oh hey dabi, I just wanted to say sor- .... are you drooling! Toga said

"What! No!" I said

"Ok, then what's that on your mouth" Toga laughed

I quickly put my hand on my mouth HOLY SHIT IM DROOLING!. I closed the door on her and wiped the drool off my mouth. I got on my bed and started to think about why I was drooling. Was it ... because I was thinking about kei- NO! NO! NO! THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THAT I WAS DROOLING OVER KEIGO! But- then why was I drooling? I mean I was just thinking about him five minutes ago. WAIT... do I have.. feelings for keigo?NO THIS ISN'T HAPPENING! But he's sooo cute! OH. MY. GOD. NO I DON'T- I DONT LIKE HIM. HE WAS JUST A REALLY HOT FRIEND OF YOURS AND YOU DEFINITELY HAVE A BIG CRUSH ON HIM! NO! I- I need to take a walk and think about all of this. I walked out of my room and headed for the door.

"Where are you going" shigaraki said.

"None of your danm business" I said while walking out the door and closing it behind me.

Hawks POV

"Ok so let me get this straight, you want me to go undercover, join the LOV (League of villains), do whatever they tell me to do, make frenzies with every body, tell them all kinds of false information and have them not suspect a thing!" I exclaimed.

"Pritty much, yeah" Endeavor said.

"Yeah, ok sure, let me just walk up in there, go to shigaraki and tell him a bunch of reasons why I don't want to be a hero anymore and say let me join the LOV (League of villains) without them suspecting a thing!" I said annoyingly.

"If that's the way you want to put it" Endeavor said.

"Are you out of your fucking mind! That's a suicide mission! You know what I'll - I'll have to think about it j-just give me a few days to think about it and I'll let you know when I make my decision." I said.

"Okay, just don't wear yourself out to much thinking about it" Endeavor said.

"Yeah, whatever" I said while walking out the door before heading home.

Sorry guys I know it's short but I'm trying not to use up all of my ideas at once. Thank you for reading and I also take requests so if you have any ideas for me please let me know. Thanks again and have a wonderful day. Bye bye 👋

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