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Probo cried.

In his hand was a bridle attached to a horse.
"I'm really going to be killed by the Lord later.Lady, this isn’t a permitted outing,right?”
“So, just say I threatened you.”

"You're so mean!"

But Leonie didn't even snort.
“That’s right.tell them I threatened you with rum.”
"What do you mean, Lady....”
Where did you learn such a vulgar word, Probo sweated hard.
"Tell them you stole it."
If Pellio had heard it, Provo would have earned himself a title stuck to him for a long time. Plus, Provo didn't even steal rum.

"Look at this! You stole it!”

“I didn’t steal it! I took it with the chef's permission!"

All I got was a bottle of what I had bought for cooking.

I brought it here to enjoy it lightly with my colleagues,and i got the best rum for cooking from Boleoti Mansion.

Probo, who was pretty shaken, took a sip while on duty.

And Leonia peeked at it by chance.

"Why did you even do that when you’re scared?"

"Please don't tell the Lord."

Provo begged.
“Then drop me off here.”

Leonier, who arrived at the meeting place safely,under the pretext of threats, took a deep breath and exhaled.
‘Even though I organized my thoughts on the way here, my head was dizzy.’

"Who are you meeting anyway?"

Provo asked, looking for a place to put the horses nearby.
It was a quiet cafe where Leonia said she had to go.

It was a place that even Provo knew. This place has a private room, so it's perfect for an important conversation.

“Lady Heina”

"Ah, Hiena…. What?"

The startled Provo made a loud noise.

Because of this, his horse became excited, and his feet moved anxiously, making a harsh, rustling sound.

"Lady, hold on!"

While Probo calmed down the surprised horse, Leonia entered the building alone.

The room written in the letter was quickly found.

“Lady, it’s me.”
Soon the door opened cautiously. Silver eyes fluttered through the crack in the door.

It was Lady Heina.
“Hey, are you here alone?”

The voice of Lady Heina I heard for the first time was very timid.

Leonia thought it was quite unexpected.

Because it didn’t give the impression of her as a stalker.
"It's not what I mean to say, but it's not good to come alone."

Lady Heina said carefully. Leon also agreed with that.

“There's a knight waiting for me down there.”

As Leonier said that he would come up soon, the sound of someone climbing the stairs grew louder and louder.

Provo, who was exhausted, saw Lady Heina and expressed his vigilance.
The hands of Lady Heina holding the door were tense.
She was alone with Leonia.


The private room in the cafe was very small.

One table and two chairs. The chair are so low that when Leonia sat down, the table was in front of her head.
The baby beast blushed with shame.

In the end, Probo received three cushions from the cafe owner.

It was only then that Leonia could barely make eye contact with Lady Heina.
“Hey, the knight…”

Lady Heina hesitated to ask. The gaze pointed to the tightly closed door.
Provo was waiting outside the door.

In fact,he said he would stay inside too, but he was forced to stay outside, as per Leonia’s objection.

"What we're talking about now is important.But..."

"If the Lady does something weird..."

‘Tok Tok’ and Leonia pointed to the fangs in her mouth.

‘It meant that if anything happened, I would take out the fangs of the beast and pierce her.’

Hiena, who understood her meaning,hurriedly nodded.
'It's a really weird meeting.'
Suddenly, the situation was so amazing that Leonia couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Stalkers and victims.‘

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