A big spider (I)

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Hello reader. I am Muskan, the narrator of the story of a time when witches and wizards and vampires had to hide from the common folk. There lived a duo in the deep dark woods. Mama P and Mavis.

It was hard to make long term friends with mortal folk when one couldn't age normally like them.

It was a cold night when Mavis went astray from her then friends group to smoke and find dinner.

When she noticed Mama P trying to sneak in from behind, she could smell the death on him. She waited until he was just ready to pounce.

"Don't bother trying", Mavis turned to look at a very surprised but equally pretty Mama P.

Mavis was practised in witchery and had made a good bargain with one vampire she had enchanted to turn her into a vampire too. Not to mention she had covered her vampiric smell with magic. Moments like those would never cease to be fun.

"Uhm..." Mama P tried composing himself," Try what, woman."

"Mavis." Mavis extended her hand toward him, giving a slight smile enough to show her half extended fangs.

"Mama P", he shook her hand, but he added after seeing her face. "Names are overrated anyway. You new here?"

Mavis shrugged.

"I'm hungry, and I was thinking of an easy start to my night," Mama P waved his hands around " I'll be heading to the nearby bar now; you wanna come?"

"Don't mind if I do." Mavis had replied.

And that was the start of a friendship that has come over a century and two years of bickering and getting under each other's skins.

With Mavis knowing the spells and Mama P with a thousand years extra life over her, they were unstoppable. Unstoppable by anyone but each other.

One thing that my reader must know about Mavis is that she would have done anything for a person older than twenty years, and Mama P would have done anything for a person below twenty, which in a way means that Mavis loved all other creatures of the night and Mama P despised them.

And like that, both of them together had been a force to reckon with. Despising everyone and loving everyone at the same. Same as their friendship.

After roaming around partying for half a century, both of them decided to build a house in the woods. It was a cute little inn with a cute little garden with cute little poisonous flowers. By that time, people were starting to suspect everybody was nightwalkers, which was rather ridiculous because they could walk around in the daytime with their witchy powers, but sure weren't going to go about correcting people. The lesser they knew, the better.

On a rainy day, Mama P went out to catch rabbits near a lake half hour away from the inn. It was not the right time to hunt, but he had to come out after finishing the book he was reading. That's the charm of a good story; one has to do something physically to root themselves back to reality. And the fact was that even after witches were real, there was no school for witchcraft and wizardry, and he couldn't do anything about it because he hated other creatures. There has to be another way where I wouldn't have to convince other nightwalkers.

Before he could think about anything else, there came a shrill scream from not far away. He got in predator mode instantly, moving in behind a tree. This is why they didn't make the inn near the lake, too much drama. Typically he'd have just left, but he hadn't shaken off the after-effects of finishing a seven-book series. Two girls came running out of the foliage, one holding a stick, thick enough to last for a night in the furnace, the other with a box he missed at first glance, being too busy marvelling her hair, her raven black hair, sticking to her brow. He slowly examined both of them without moving from his place. The girls were running to where he was standing, so he jumped on the tree above him. It was a good branch giving sufficient space to sit, and the foliage was enough to conceal him.

Seconds later, a red spider about ten feet high came out from the same bushes the girls had come.

Wow, that took a turn, Mama P thought.

Right below the tree that Mama p was sitting on, the girl with the stick slipped on the wet mud, shoving the stick in her stomach. She cried out. There was no blood, fro the stick wasn't sharp enough to penetrate the skin, but it would have hurt like a bitch; Mama P winced. The raven girl tried to help her up, but the spider was almost on them by then. The raven girl backed away a bit.

My dear reader would think that with over thousand of years of surviving among humans, Mama p would have learnt not to interfere, but well, oh well.

Just when it seemed like the spider would attack the girl on the forest floor, Mama P jumped right on the spider's back, crushing the spine and all other parts because, let's think about a spider for a moment, everything is bunched at a single place. The guy might weigh little, but the momentum helped.

The girl on the floor screamed while the raven girl stood still looking at the spider, dead. There was no point in pretending that he was an average human at midnight in the middle of nowhere with it raining cats and dogs and he wouldn't have got the right answer from them as a human.

"Well, introductions are in order, I guess." Mama P slipped down from the spider's back and helped the girl up," Can you walk?"

She nodded. He looked at the raven-haired girl with a raised brow.

"My name is Hanah, and she is Rubella." she nodded at the girl clutching her stomach from the side which was hurt from the stick., "We are sisters, twins."

"And what did you do to the poor spider?" then he looked at the box Hannah was trying to hide behind herself," Steal, maybe?"

"We didn't steal anything! And you never gave your name," Rubella stated with a sigh at the end.

"I go by different names, nowadays it is Mama P., But only one person calls me that, so feel free to use any name." Mama P noticed that Rubella was breathing hard, so he added, "you can stay at my house until the rain stops if you promise that you have no wrong intentions."

"And how would we know that you don't have wrong intentions. No one lurks around in a forest this late!" Rubella was staring at him hard. Hannah put a hand on her shoulder.

"We do not mean anything wrong to you, but we'd like to talk about the matter among us first, please," Hannah said.

Mama P nodded, and the girls moved a little farther, not realising that he could hear them even then, but to make them feel at ease, he started to pull the limp spider body toward the bushes. He will have to burn it the next day when the rain stops.

"He just saved our lives", "We didn't need him to defend us"," I don't know of that", " WE have the stone with us, we can't trust anyone", "What other options do we have"," my stomach hurts", "I'm hungry".

After Mama P was convinced that they were equally afraid of him as he was suspicious of them, he came out and told them to follow him if they wanted shelter for the night and tried to walk straight now that they would be looking at him walk away. Yes, an immortal with mortal weaknesses.

At first, he wasn't sure if they would come with him, but they started following him after a moment. He could hear the sharp intakes by Rubella, but he wasn't sure if forcing his help on them would be a good idea; also, he didn't like her much.

He didn't have to check behind himself to see if the girls were up to something. The rain was helping him keep track of their movements. The girls were too loud for their own good.

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