Happy endings (I)

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3 days later


Mama P's normally relaxed face tensed as he surveyed the room- the shattered lamp, the torn bedsheets, the broken dresser drawers. " You should be satisfied with the accommodations; they're quite a few steps above the undersea prison you would have got."

Hannah shrugged, leaning against the far wall, "A gilded cage is still a cage."

A frown twisted Mama P's lips as his sharp gaze caught on Hannah's clenched hand, crimson streaking a line down her arm. "You are hurt." He took a step forward, and Hannah flinched, her muscles visibly tightening.

Pausing, Mama P swallowed a lump in his throat, "You think I want you here like this? Fighting me tooth and nail? I don't, but it's the only way to keep you away from the stone."

Approaching with measured paces, Hannah stopped mere inches from Mama P's face, her eyes wide and searching for truth. "You could kill me. I wouldn't be able to ruin your plans then."

"I don't want you dead."

"Because you want me .....what? Defeated? Weak?"

"Safe. I want you safe and far away from all this."

A glimmer of uncertainty flashed through Hannah's harsh glare, but before Mama P could react, she stabbed the piece of glass gripped in her palm upward, between Mama P's ribs.

Mama P stumbled back, clutching at the wound. Between gasps of pain, he murmured, "I know you...you can't help but fight me. Can't you accept the peace... I've tried to give you. But this hatred, this war between us...I'm so tired."

Tears prickled Hannah's eyes, and she hated the sting in her palm and the fact she couldn't make it a fatal blow. "That makes two of us."

Hannak took a deep breath and left the room. She saw the black mass of hair coming her way.

"Hello friend," Mavis smiled with narrowed eyes, "I smell blood."

"You?...How?" But it dawned on her the next moment, "Where is Rubella? She didn't...She couldn't!"

"Oh, she is in my room, not wishing to see you. Now, what did you do to my old hag friend?"

If Mama P hadn't killed Hannah, Mavis surely would have. And Hannah knew that. But she could think of some lie, Mama P entered the hall, his wound healed fully.

"Nothing you jealous?" Mama P asked with a smug smile.

Mavis looked at his blood-stained shirt and grimaced, "I don't wanna know what kinky stuff you were into but I'd appreciate if I don't have to see the proofs like this!"

Mama P closed the distance between them and hugged Mavis for a long time.

"You had me scared there for a minute, I thought you'd not survive!" Mama P said, parting away from her, Mavis kept smiling.

"A minute? Let me tell you, he was a horrible mess, made it so difficult to focus for me and read about the stone", Rubella came from Mavis's room dressed in a long loose white gown, the kind you see on ghosts.

They all laughed but Hannah.

"So does she need the stone anymore?" Mama P asked Rubella.

"No. I transferred all the life power from the stone to her, now she has some additional powers like resurrecting dead beings without getting tired and it would be appropriate to say that the stone is only stone of death, but I don't like to call it sod. It kinda sounds-"

"Gross." Mavis and Rubella said at the same time.

"So you can leave if you want. Truly free?" Mama P faced Hannah who just looked at the floorboards.

The two girls left the next day with the stone. Hannah talked her issues out and was sad to leave them too.

"So, you and Rubella, huh?" Mama P raised his brows.

"Yes, definitely. Because she was talking about you the whole time. Strong, tall, handsome Mama P. I think you picked the wrong twin."

"Isn't that why I have you, to tell me which is the right choice," Mama P put his hand around her shoulder and moved back into the house.

<3 <3 <3 <3 THE END <3 <3 <3

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