Chapter 12: Roxy's helping hand

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Freddy decided to take the deactivator to Roxy so she could look at it with her eyes. She agreed to it, and immediately dropped the device when in contact with it.

"There's USB with the shape of a Bunny. Now that I've touched it, my fingers are... broken?"

Sun looked around the room with a guilty look.

"It's probably just your nerves...!"

"Definitely not. I can't even retract my claws!" Roxy sounded extremely annoyed.

I started to think, before Sun was unable to move his arms, now Roxy can't move her hand. The note before said we were 'doomed', it couldn't be a coincidence

"I think I know what's happening," Everyone's glaze turned to me "Haven't you noticed how Sun hasn't moved his arm all day? And now Roxy can't move her hand now that she has touched the deactivator. The note was saying how we are all in danger and fell for a 'trap', what if the trap was everything we have been doing, and Vanessa is getting away with it. She distracted us with a lie so she could destroy us."

Everyone exchanged worried looks, Sun looked horrible.

"As long as the device and Vanny exist, we're all doomed."

"No, I'm fine! This is just a coincidence, I got glitter glue stuck in my joints and that's why. There can't be any other reason!" Sun sounded frantic.

"She's right, Superstar." Freddy was the first one to speak up after a short break of silence. "Now that we know what's going on, we have to figure out how to stop it. We can gather some info through the USB."

We waved goodbye to Roxy and headed to the daycare. On the way I saw Chica, at the time I didn't anything bad was going to happen, until she screamed my name.

As she started to inch closer, Sun tried to protect me but his arms couldn't move. Freddy tried to hold her still "Chica, please calm down. We are only trying to help; we can get you some pizza!" Chica threw him to the ground. She lifted her guitar up, I was defenseless. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. When I opened my eyes, she had frozen. I used this chance to get some distance. Her guitar fell to the floor. She started frantically moving her palm, trying to get some movement from her fingers.

"What did you DO TO ME?!" her voice sounded broken; I could tell she was in so much pain.

Freddy grabbed both of us and we ran to the daycare. "Ok, maybe it's true. Maybe I can't... move my arms. But that's not important! I can do just fine without them. You can rip them off for all I care." Sun shouted.

"Sun, does this mean you won't be able to hug the kids, you can't even play arts and crafts. What if they scrap you?"

"They can't scrap me... that's stupid!"

"Hey, Superstar, we should probably be looking for Vanessa right now. I can go looking by myself, you should help Sun." Freddy soon walked away.

"Sunshine..." Sun started to tear up.

"What is it?" I tried to comfort him, I put his hand up to my face and held the other.

"Does this mean Moon died for nothing, he died so we could fall for a trap."

"No, of course not! He... he helped us realize what was really going on."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Sun's face immediately lit up. "I love you, Sunshine." he inched closer to me, our noses were touching but we weren't kissing.

"I love you too" I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I tried to hide my smile, but it was really no use.

"Ok, we should get going. Let's go to the main stage and look there." I grabbed his hand and we walked to the platform.

As we got closer, we saw three familiar silhouettes. It was Vanessa, Chica and Freddy; they seemed to be in a fight. Sun started running to the stage, I could barely keep up with him.

"Look who's here." Vanessa said

"Superstar! I knew you'd come."

Vanessa pulled a lever near the platform, a smoke machine had temporarily blinded us, I saw as Vanessa's shadow waved to us and walked away. I tried to find Sun. Chica started going crazy, she threw Freddy off the platform, before it was too late, I grabbed him by the arm. I was barely holding on, he lifted himself up and thanked me. I distracted Chica by throwing a sleeping candy at her, Freddy went from behind and pushed her off. Cold shivered down my spine as I heard her hit the cold, dark ground.

Vanessa was nowhere to be seen; smoke was all over the floor. We exchanged worried looks. I looked down, there was plenty of broken security bots. I was about to walk away, until Vanny jumped from down the ceiling, aiming for Sun. A voice came from behind...

"Let's Rock and Roll."

Monty had grabbed Vanny up like she was a bundle of grapes, he smashed her to the ground, he held her up and laughed. She got out of his grasp and aimed for Sun, only for Monty to punch a hole through her. With the last bit of her strength, she tipped Monty over and they started falling. 

Before properly falling, Monty removes his arm and kick jumps off of Vanny onto the platform. His weight caused the platform to collapse, before they fell Monty caught them and threw them off the bridge. Monty fell with the bridge, he shouted "See you later, losers!" his voice echoed through the cold atmosphere.

"Sunshine..." Sun walked closer to me. "About the virus, well... the only way to fix me is to shut me down." Tears started to fall from his face. I slapped him.

"Are you stupid? There has to be another way, right? It won't fix you if we destroy you!" I was on the verge of a breakdown, was Sun insane?

He kissed my cheek "Sunshine, it's ok. Freddy knows exactly how you can shut me down and revive me, I promise you he knows everything about it. I would never want to leave you."

"Are you sure? Do you promise?"

"I'm certain, I pinkie promise everything will be ok."

I stayed silent for a bit, but ended up agreeing.

"What's your plan?"

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