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"I think so too," Tamaki said quietly with a small smile.

"Are you sure you want me as your plus one?" you asked your brother.

"Yeah. And since you have your costume, we can go patrol together after that," he smiled at you.

"Thanks, Kei."

"Oh and I'm revealing my name today. And after the event I have some things to discuss with Endeavour so you'll have to take my shift for a while. I hope you don't mind," he said.

"I don't mind at all! It's exciting," you said happily. "I'll see you later."


It was Hawks' turn to do the speech.

"Okay so if we're talking about popularity. Best Jeanist is ranked at the top thanks to the boost he got while being on hiatus," he went on with stuff like that. "What if we stop pretending and start saying what's on our minds, huh? Oh and, I'd like to say that after talking it over with many people, I'd like to re-introduce myself. Name's Keigo Takami. That's all I've got to say. Now let's hear from number one."

Fatgum turned to you since you were sitting next to him. "Are you his sister?"

"Yeah," you answered shortly.


"You can wait on the roof, Dove. It could take a bit," your brother instructed.

"Sure. See ya," you said, flying up.


It sure is a nice view up here... Is that a black star?

You narrowed your eyes. "Bee, what's the analysis?"

"It's flying towards you very fastly. Can't make out what it is, miss."

"Thank you, Bee."

You looked at it once more, squinting your eyes.

Nomu?! Oh crap!

Without missing a beat, you rose into the air and flew in front of the window behind which your brother was eating. Break or not break? You looked at the Nomu. Definitely break.

"Get down!" you yelled, barging in the room through the window. Everyone squatted just in time.

"Evacuate them!" Endeavour commanded.

"What about you?" Hawks asked.

Endeavour charged at the villain. Hawks looked at you.

"Come on, Dove. Let's evacuate the building. Feather carrying style," he said.

"You got it," you said, excitement swelling in you when you went out of the window.

I got you, and you, and you.

"I'm lucky you're here," your brother said. "I wouldn't have enough feathers to rescue them all by myself."

You smiled, starting to regain your feathers to not plummet to the ground.

"Dove, I trust you to get everyone out of here. I'll go help Endeavour," he said.

"Got it," you said, understanding the seriousness of the situation.

More Nomus came from the sky. Smaller though.

Time to get serious, you took blades from your wings, charging at the Nomus.

"Don't just stand there, run away!" you commanded the civilians behind you. I can't use my fog to hide when people are around.

You stabbed another Nomu into its brain, taking it down. It got a gash on your shoulder, making you curse slightly.

"Out we go, everyone," you ushered people further away before turning to fight again. After taking down the last one, you flew away.

"Let's go reporter lady, camera man," you said, moving them both with feathers. "If you get too close, you'll die. Go on, go on, further away people. Further away."

You yourself could hear the nervousness in your voice.

Chaos started to come to the street.

You rose above the crowd. "HEY!"

Everyone silenced, looking at you.

You sighed, giving them a smile. "You have to stop panicking. I know it's hard and I know you want to get away as fast as possible but pushing doesn't make escaping any faster. And we have to be fast to get out of the way because if we don't, the heroes can't give their all since they'd damage us, okay? So keep moving. But be careful. Thank you."

After your speech, the people resumed but it was more organised this time.

You decided to fly ahead to clear the road from any rubble.

"Look out!" you warned, getting people away from being crushed by a flying car.

"Thank you!" they yelled, stopping the walking.

"Yeah, yeah no problem but please keep walking. You have to get out of here."

They nodded and continued. You flew above the crowd, helping up anyone who had been caught under the stampede or fell.

A boy started to talk to the camera. You sighed. "Everyone gets your point. Endeavour's strong and fighting for us." You lowered yourself into the camera's view. "But we have to move on," you emphasised every word. "Don't you think that us being in the way would only stop him from doing his best?"

The boy looked at you. "I do think that."

You smiled. "Then let's go. It's the best thing we can do right now."

Oh crap. You sped away again, closer and closer to the main fight. Hawks had sent basically all his feathers to help Endeavour and was free falling towards the ground.

"Got'cha," you said, pushing him on a nearby roof.

He smiled. "Thanks, Dove."

"No problem," you flew off again after a smile, getting more people out of the way. It was hard to fly due to the strong currents of wind and the adrenaline was starting to slowly wear off, making you more aware of the gash in your shoulder.

Endeavour went higher and higher with the fight before ending it. You sighed in relief. It didn't last long though because when Endeavour crashed on the street, many cars flew the crowd's way. You caught them with your feathers, wincing at the impact.

You smiled as everyone cheered, flying off to help your brother off the roof.

"We should go to the hospital," he said with a smile.

"Yeah," you agreed.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now