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You swallowed the pill. Who am I kidding? I probably have a crush on him.

You groaned, banging your head down on the table. It had been one day in school and you were already drowned in homework. Kill me now and burn my body... Actually don't, what the crap, Y/n? Why you thinking like that?

Because you always have.

And there I go, having a conversation with myself in my mind... Again. Now, focus on the work, you Idiot!

Like I would ever do that.

You absolute bastardly little-

Knock. Knock.

You sighed, standing up. Thank goodness for whoever's at the door-

"Oh hi, Hitoshi, come in," you smiled, playing it cool after last night's discovery.

"Hi, Y/n," he greeted, "I was thinking... Would you maybe want to do the homework together? I understand if not because there's quite a lot and most people are more productive with work when they're alone."

"I would love to do it together with you. Honestly, I was kind of starting to give up," you chuckled, taking a seat across from him on the floor.

"Yeah, me too," he smiled, putting his stuff on the floor. "So what first? English?"

"Yeah," you agreed, "it's the easiest."


"When in my life will I ever need to know that turkeys were once worshipped like Gods? Like- Ugh," you slapped your face with your hand. "And here I thought learning history would actually be fun."

You heard Hitoshi chuckle. "At least it's not some useless formulas you can't get out of your head once you've learned them."

"Okay, that's fair," you nodded. "Although I still don't get it."

You were answered with silence so you looked up to find him staring at you.

"What?" you asked. "Is everything okay?"

He shook his head, a soft smile making way onto his face. "No, no. Everything is just alright."

"Are you sure?" you asked further. "If you want then we can take a break in studying."

"No, it's fine," he assured, "really. I was just... thinking."

"Okay then," you shrugged.

After a few minutes, you closed your notebook. "Alright, I finished history. I think we only have math left, right?"

"Mhm," he hummed before eyeing the clock. "Although I think we should eat dinner. Do you want me to bring me some?"

"Yeah, thank you," you smiled, looking up at him since he was standing up, "I'll try to make sense of these problems until you're gone."

He smiled affectionately and left the room.

You yawned, looking back down at the work. Now what is this...


"Hey, I'm back with the... food," Hitoshi said, stepping into the room. The reason he trailed off was simply because you had fallen asleep, your face on your fist. "Guess you're really tired, huh?" he asked, placing the plates on your desk before eyeing you in thought.

What she doesn't know she can't ask and make me embarrassed, he shrugged and crouched down, picking you up with a little bit of struggle and placed you on your bed, pulling the blankets on your body.

After that, he quietly gathered your things before placing them in a pile on your table next to the food. The food was a sandwich so he decided that leaving it out for the night wouldn't exactly hurt.

So after gathering his things into a pile, he looked up at you from the floor before sighing and standing up next to your bed before ruffling your hair a bit.

"Sleep well, Doofus," he muttered softly before taking all his things and leaving the room, turning the light off.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now