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But a glimpse of vermilion caught your eye. You were about to observe the vermilion in a pro-hero box a bit more when Midnight announced the second round competition: "Cavalry battle!"

You sighed, looking around for teammates.

"Hmm," you hummed, approaching Todoroki. "Hey Todoroki, I was wondering if I could maybe join you? We worked well together earlier." [Iida's got to go, sorry:( Though he went with Midoriya]

"Sure. We need someone fast anyway," Todoroki agreed. "Now for a strategy..."

You looked at the team. Besides you and Todoroki, there were Kaminari and Yaoyorozu.

"Y/n? Would you mind being the rider?" Todoroki asked you suddenly.

"I wouldn't mind but why? Don't you want to be the rider? It's your team," you furrowed your brows.

"I was thinking I could be in the front, playing both offense and defense. If you were to be in the front, you wouldn't have any efficient use of your wings, right?" Todoroki hummed.

"Yeah you're right," you said. "Thank you for considering that. I didn't want to bring it up myself."

"Alright then, let's get ready. We'll be going for Midoriya," Todoroki commanded.

Soon, it all started. You were very confident, really. You had somewhat trust in your classmates and you couldn't touch the ground so if they were to trip, you could simply hover until they got up. AND you could shield your head with your wings so it wasn't possible to get headbands. Or you could simply just take all headbands with feathers. But that would be boring, really.

You saw a lot of teams crowding Midoriya's so you tapped Todoroki's shoulder.

"I think we should go after Bakugo. Midoriya has many guests right now so it could be dangerous," you said, earning a nod from your teammates.

"Hey, Kaminari, right?" you asked, getting a nod from the boy. "What do you reckon would be the smartest way to take on Bakugou? You're fairly close to him, that's why I'm asking."

I do like going solo the most but it would be great to trust people once in a while, you thought, waiting for an answer.

"Make it quick and head on so he won't have time to attack," he instructed.

"Okay. Here it goes," and a feather went out. It was faster than light and reached Bakugou fairly fast, but you started to notice it getting harder to control.

Note to self, work on your control range.

You suddenly felt a pain in your back and saw Bakugou heading towards you.


"Oookay, let's get out of here," you said, seeing the blond boy head towards you. "Hold on tight."

You expanded your wings fully and flapped them a few times, emitting a bit of fog to make it harder for others to see and enough to lift all four of you off the ground.

"Y-Y/n, I can't see anything!" Kaminari said frantically.

"That's kinda the point, Electrician. Just trust me on this."

"I trust you," Momo said from behind you.

"Me too," Todoroki added.

"Thanks," you smiled, starting to draw the fog back, making others see that you had gone far away from others.

"We have time to think of a new plan now. It's clear I can't just get Bakugou's points with my feather," you said, making the other three nod.

"I think we should head for Midoriya. I can make way with ice and as they're distracted, you can get the headband," Todoroki thought.

"Look at this! How did team Y/n get from one place to another like this?! It's clear that if you make two of the strongest 1A students team up, you get a nearly unbeatable combo!" Present Mic commented.

You rolled your eyes. I'm unbeatable already... Well actually no. What he said was exaggeration.

You knew your range wasn't the best, but you had to show off somehow. So what you did next was sending out all your feathers just above you when the others were moving towards Midoriya and making the feathers form a huge waving hand. As you were sure everyone had seen this, you made a human figure bowing before getting all the feathers back to your wings.

Up in a super hero box Edgeshot commented to Jeanist: "She's something. I'll make sure to recruit her after this."

Jeanist and Rykyu both nodded, giving their hums of agreement. A row below them, Hawks was more focused on your face than anything. At this point he was sure that it was his sister so he made plans to find you during the break.

A chilly breeze formed from an ice wall, team Midoriya was now cornered.

"Sorry, Mido-boy. Everyone has duties," you apologised. But before you could act, Dark Shadow charged at you. Kaminari took care of it with his electricity though so you were good. But during the electricity you also felt flames... You brushed it off - it was none of your business anyway.

Your business was to get the ten million and secure your place in the final round.

All your feathers rose to the air, charging at Midoriya from every different direction while some stayed in the air, sharpened to blades to prevent them from trying to float away with the help of Iida and Uraraka.

You got the headband and flew up to the air in a single moment, along with your team. Todoroki made a place for you all to land on the ice wall so you were now standing above everyone else, along with the ten million points.

Suddenly Bakugou came charging at you but you only smirked.

"And time's up!"

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now