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You smiled, standing at the door. "That's cool."

Knock. Knock.

You looked up from your homework, casting your eyes to your balcony door. Your eyes immediately widened.

You excitedly jumped up, running to open the door. "Keigo! I'm so glad to see you, it's been quite a time!"

"Glad to see you too, sis," he smiled, hugging you. "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" you smiled. "How are you doing by the way?"

"Work's been a bit tough," he grinned, rubbing the back of his neck while plopping down into your bean bag chair. "Otherwise pretty good. What about you?"

"Also pretty good!" you beamed, it melting into a frown soon after. "Except for this weird voice I've been hea-" re...eneration 75% c...mplete

"And there it is again," you groaned, sitting down as your vision blackened out along with a strong headache. "I feel like it wants to tell me something but I can't quite hear it. It's like a broken record skipping words and syllables."

You could see the worried glance he sent you. "Does Aizawa know about it?"

"Yeah. He said there was something like that before the memory loss. But he also said that it's definitely not the same thing right now," you sighed.

He nodded, stroking his chin in thought. "Anyway! I was thinking if you wanted to patrol with me tomorrow. It's a Saturday so I thought it should be fine."

"Sure!" you beamed, the voice forgotten. "Where are we going?"

"If you can come then we're gonna patrol the area the League of Villains was last spotted around," he said, leaning back.

"Cool," you nodded, "and if I can't come, will you also go there?"

"Yup. I just emphasized it since you haven't asked Aizawa yet," he explained.

"Oh," you realized, standing up from the bed, "then let's go ask right now."

He raised his head from leaning on his hand. "Are you sure it's okay if I also come?"

"Of course! I mean I don't see why not since you're not a criminal," you shrugged, opening the door.

"Okay then," he nodded, scrambling out the door after you, letting you close it and lock it with your key.

"You lock your room?" he asked while you two walked towards the stairwell.

"Yeah," you nodded, starting to float down in the stairwell. "I mean - better be safe than sorry because of, well, Mineta."

He chuckled. "Is he the class pervert?"

"Yup," you nodded, landing and walking out to the common room.

"Hey, guys!" you greeted most of your classmates who had gathered to do homework in the common room. Keigo awkwardly waved from behind you.

"Hey, Y/n, wait!" Kaminari greeted off-handedly before looking up. "Is that Hawks?!"

"Yup," you smiled. "Everyone, meet my brother, Keigo. Keigo, meet everyone."

"Oh wow I never thought I'd see this day!" Midoriya fan-boyed, "can I please ask questions about your quirk for my notebook?"

You smirked as you walked on, leaving your brother behind.

"Don't leave me here with a bunch of teenagers!" he whisper-yelled at you.

Your smirk widened as you just walked on towards the room of your legal guardian.

You forced yourself more serious when you knocked on the door.

"Come in," his bored voice came.

"Hey," you popped your head in. "Do you mind if I go patrolling with Keigo tomorrow? He invited me."

"Not at all if you stay safe," he shrugged. "Just be careful and at least text me when you leave."

"Of course, dad. Thank you and love ya!" you called before skipping back towards the common room.

You stepped as you saw your brother chilling on the couch, answering the questions of your classmates and doing a very good job with ignoring Bakugou's challenging glare.

You chuckled, pocketing your hands and walking towards the couches. "Having fun, everyone?" you asked with a grin.

"Yes! How did he even get in?" Mina asked.

"Through my balcony door," you smiled, saying it as if it was normal.

They stared at you.

"What?" you sighed. "Come on, Keigo, let's go."

He stood up fairly quickly and ran after you like some lost puppy. He shivered as you were floating up the stairwell. "Scariest few minutes of my life, I swear. Why'd you leave me there- You know what, nevermind. What did Aizawa say?"

"He said I can come if I stay safe," you shrugged, landing and searching your pocket for your room key while you walked back towards your room. "The expected answer, really."

He smiled, shrugging.

"So," you started. "You down for a game of cards?"

"You bet I am," he smirked.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now