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"I still have a knife in my shoulder," you reminded, standing up. "Let it be if you don't want me to bleed out."

"You're free to go now, your shoulder didn't take too serious damage. But don't forget to change the bandage every morning," the nurse said.

"Thank you," you nodded, standing up from the chair. It was the evening of the big fight and you had gotten yourself to the hospital.

"Y/n!" you heard your brother as soon as you stepped out the door.

"Keigo," you smiled softly, hugging him.

"I was so worried!" he gushed. "Come on. I promised Eraser that I will escort you there after you're free. He sounded pretty worried about you. It also took quite the time to get your friends to leave and go home."

You chuckled. "Yeah. I guess I took quite the damage. It's luckily not fatal."


"G'night, Keigo," you said, hugging your brother in front of the doors of U.A. "Get home safe."

"I'm again so sorry I let them take you again. And don't worry, I'll get home just fine," he assured, patting your head.

Mentally exhausted, you couldn't do anything but smile, not having enough energy to keep up the sarcastic side of yourself. So you settled for who you really were on the inside. "It's okay. You couldn't really do anything. Now go if you're planning to get any sleep tonight."

He smiled at you one last time before taking off, leaving you to yawn and drag yourself in the school.

Stepping in the teachers' lounge, you waved tiredly. "Hey. I'm home."

"Y/n!" Mic said happily. "We were all so worried!"

He came to hug you but you scooted away. "Careful with the shoulder, Uncle Mic. It's maybe not fatal but it still hurts."

He nodded. "We are so glad you're okay."

Aizawa nodded. "Yeah. But tell us... what on Earth was the dragon thing?"

You chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of your head.

"Yeah well about that," you said while going to give your father and uncle a hug, them minding your shoulder. "Ya remember how I said that I felt like there was more to the injection?"

The adults in the room nodded. Vlad and Nezu were also there at the moment.

"I was right. Due to something Dabi said back there, I started to have sort of existential crisis and due to that I met the past wielder of my quirk-"

"Past wielder of your quirk?" Nezu asked, interrupting you.

"I'll explain later," you said, waving your hand. "Anyways, turns out he was the one to also help me that night in the start of internships. He helped me get control of that and turns out I can turn into things that have the same traits as me but only if I can imagine them in my head with high accuracy. Which in this case - was a white Night Fury."

You gasped for air, having said it all in one breath. "Any questions?"

The adults blinked at you.

"A lot. Let's take a seat," Aizawa instructed.

"First - what kind of existential crisis?" Nezu asked.

You looked down at your lap and started playing with your fingers. "It has to do something with choosing sides. Life's confusing right now, I hope you understand."

"Are you a villain, Y/n?" Mic asked seriously.

"No! No, of course not! It's just that I started to think if they were really acting all the time they were nice to me or not or if they only hurt me because All For One told them to or if I've been following you guys blindly without thinking. That crisis ended though because I realised I can turn into a dragon," you said. "And I like it here so I doubt anything like that would happen again."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now